Friday, December 21, 2012

What's in your stocking?

I will be the first to admit, it doesn't feel Christmasy to me yet.  Maybe that's because of the unseasonably warm temps here in RVA but never the less... Christmas is almost here!  Santa's sleigh must be nearly ready to take off - I sure hope he wasn't planning on the world ending!

Last night, I went with "the bigs" to help Santa get the stockings in order for our house. 

I tried not to get things that we would just end up throwing away.  So I put my practical mommy hat on and hit the aisles of Target.

But I must admit...stockings are not cheap!  Not even the "cheap stuff" is cheap! 

 So here's what I got:
  • Cinderella DVD (with digital download for the iPad)
  • a 2-pack of Little People Disney princesses
  • Toothbrush/toothpaste set
  • Travel pack of Boogie Wipes
  • a new bouncy ball
  • Plastic spoon and fork set
  • Crayola Color Wonder mini-set
  • Hippo wash mitt
  • Yet another "Beckett" (but this one is cuter than the others we have!) 

Now I have to ask... what kinds of things do ya'll put in your little ones' stockings?!

Super Sale Bonus from last night! 

As we wandered the store, I found this guy for only $3.88!!!
 This Skip Hop lunch bag was on sale for less than $4!  
Why? I have no idea!  
Do I have a planned use for it yet?  Nope.  
But for $3.88 how could I resist?!  
We have the hippo one and use it for storing our Little People figures, so maybe I'll use this one for the overflow of those guys.

Who says you can only use a "lunch bag" to hold your lunch?!

If I don't check in before Christmas, I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday!!


Monday, December 17, 2012

A scared and heavy heart

Dear Lainey, 
You are far too young to understand what is happening in our nation right now.  Hell, to be honest, I don't even understand it. 

Over the weekend, you had the fun opportunity to road trip it up with your cousins and enjoy their company as ya'll peered over the balcony to see the wondrous Christmas lights and then bounce back into the hotel room for a room service treat filled with giggles and fun.

But not everyone was quite as lucky as you and I.  

You see, a terrible thing happened before we embarked on this holiday adventure.  A man in Connecticut took the lives of innocent boys and girls and their teachers. And today, there are parents who are mourning.  They are mourning a type mourning that I hope I never have to endure.  

I can't imagine what it would be like to wake up without you.

As I packed our overnight bag, I rushed into my closet to get a hoodie and saw you sitting in the floor with a pile of my necklaces surrounding you -- some wrapped around your feet, some on your neck, and some draping your hand.  You looked up at me and said, "Momma!! PreTty!!" and showed me all of your fabulous new finds. I usually would say, "Oh no! Don't get them tangled." But I couldn't.  I looked at you, smiled and just said "You sure are." And then... I lost it. I broke down and cried for those parents and just wrapped my arms around you until you wiggled yourself free.

Soon after that moment, my phone rang.  It was your dad calling to inform me that from now on, you are never leaving his side and you are going to be homeschooled... oh, and live in a bubble.  I chuckled and told him that as much as we would like to, we can not protect you from all the evils in this world.  But inside, I knew exactly how he felt and kind of wanted to agree with him.

Little one, you must know that you are the most important thing ever in my life.  God chose me to be your momma and I thank him every day for the miracle that is you. 

And now, as I thank him for you, I must also ask him to wrap his arms around those in CT and bring comfort and strength to them.  

While the image that is typically shown with this scripture doesn't match these event, at all, it is heavy on my heart and I feel like it fits...

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14

Love and Prayers,

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

An ornament tradition

Last year, for Lainey's first Christmas, her Auntie M sent her an ornament for our tree. It was an embroidered bird that said "First Christmas." I absolutely loved it because it wasn't baby booties and it wasn't pale pink.  It was almost rustic/folk art-ish -- with hand embroidering.

This year, Auntie M sent another ornament.  A ceramic ornament with birds on it that says, "Lainey 2012" on it.  The note attached said, "It seems I have started a tradition, Lainey Bird."

Well if Auntie M is starting an "aunt's tradition" you better believe I will be returning the sentiment to my new, and oh so handsome, nephew, Landon.

Since baby cuz lives half across the country, literally, I took to the internet to find something that I could have sent to him.

Then I found it.  
The perfect ornament for him!

For Landon's first Christmas he will be hopping a plane to California to meet his other grandparents! 

And so...a tradition has been born.

What are some traditions that ya'll have?


Monday, December 3, 2012

{not so perfect photo}

Ok... anyone who knows me, personally, knows how much I love life behind the camera. Ever since I can remember, I have had a camera in my hand. When I was in high school, the dark room was my happy place. In college, school got in the way of any big time photography happenings. And since graduating, I must admit, I have some other priorities and big things happening.


A couple of months ago, I was toying with the idea of becoming a Rendi consultant and doing home shows for a company that does some fabulous work with your own photos.

Then it hit me - like a ton of bricks.

If I thought I had enough to add something like Rendi in my crazy life, then why don't I have time to devote to getting myself back behind the camera.

And so...

{not so perfect photo} has been born.

While I have always had a camera in my hand, I have not always had the power of Photoshop; so I am pretty stoked to work on some skills along this adventure.

My first client

More to come from this journey through a soybean field...


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Skinny Jeans

First, I hope all of ya'll had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families! I hope you filled your bellies with yummy food, your ears with laughter and your hearts with joy!

While I didn't do any major shopping over Black Friday, Lainey found some stuff and said "ooooh! pretty!" as I clicked through the Nordstrom website.  Luckily, we were only shopping the sale section.

Little Miss picked out...

The denim snobs in our life are probably saying, "Really?" And the fashionistas are probably saying, "Wow - her jeans are nicer than mine."  To that say... Yes, really.  And I am right there with you! Her jeans are seemingly nicer than my AE jeans. 


Joes Jeans are literally the only jeans I have found to fit her. 

The problem with having a string bean for a child is this...

Her legs are long and her waist in tiny. (Lainey, start praying now that you keep that figure and don't end up with your momma's body!!)  So the solution? Seems simple enough - find jeans with adjustable waistbands.

Ridiculously easier said than done!

I found one pair at Target from Genuine Kids and, of course, they aren't available anymore. Not even online!  Those were our saving grace of denim.  Lainey has worn the heck out of them; so much so, the knees are starting to get faded. So I had a new mission: find denim for Lainey.

Joes are, honestly, the only jeans I have found in an infant size with that glorious invention of a waistband! So - I took the plunge. Splurged a little, but still found them on sale, and got one pair from Nordstrom.  They were perfect.  I tightened that elastic as much I could and they look adorable on her little legs!  A girl can not live in one pair of jeans, hence the Black Friday purchases. 

A little bit more expensive than getting jeans at Carter's or the Children's Place. Yes.  But if the jeans don't fit, then is it really worth it to buy them?

Perfect fit!
These jeans are the first pair of Joes we got; they're the lighter version of the jeggings.

But what can I say?  The girl's got style!

You may have noticed a pattern here - skinny jeans. Lainey usually only wears skinny jeans.  Why, you ask? I have tried all sorts of styles of jeans on her - from skinny/jeggings to regular bootcut and everything in between, including straight, trouser, and flares!  The skinny styles just look better on her! To me, bootcut and flared bottoms make her look so out of proportion it's crazy! She's petite and those other styles tend to make her look stumpy.  Overly critical mother here? Perhaps...but she seems comfy to me! And oh, so cute!!

So, tell me, what are some of your favorite things to dress your little one in?


Saturday, November 17, 2012

World Prematurity Day

I didn't even know this day existed until I became the mom to a preemie princess.

It is no secret that my daughter is a preemie. It is not something that I keep a secret. My scar from her c-section is a battle wound from her incredible journey into this world. Her time in utero was cut short by 7 weeks as she graced the world with her presence 7 weeks early.

When she was born, she weighed 2 pounds 13 ounces and barely fit in our arms.

Thank God she was luckier than a lot of premature babies and was fully developed - lungs and all.

But she did have her own battles to fight... It was not just a walk in the park, I promise. It was hard on her little body; it was hard on her momma and her daddy; and it was hard on her grandparents and it was hard on her entire family, all of the extended aunts and uncles and "big cousins" included.
Being extremely underweight, she needed to pack on the pounds before she could come home. She lived in the NICU at our local hospital for 5 weeks, with every pound and milestone we rejoiced. During her first weeks, her biggest troubles came with eating; she could only digest breast milk and her poor tummy had quite the battle with Colitis. One of the hardest things, as her mother, was to accept that withholding feedings was the correct "prescription" for her during those moments. How could I agree that not feeding this tiny little girl was the right thing to do?! Yes, I knew she was getting her nutrients through her IVs, but just the thought of her having to skip that meal was a little tough for me to digest. {pun intended}

But if we fast forward...

Now, to see her, as she turns 17 months old TODAY, it's hard to even think about her as a preemie in that fancy "condo." Yes, she is petite and I have a feeling she always will be. {She may not look Asian, but she has got short Asian lady genes!} Some say she is still catching up and maybe that's true.

Lainey has crossed that 20 pound mark and is as smart as can be. She has experienced no real "preemie things" as she is growing up and is, developmentally, a perfect toddler.

Now, I understand our story is not like others and some premature babies have a much harder time than we did. Some stories don't have a happy ending like ours. It's incredibly hard to even type that sentence. Our story isn't ending, it is just beginning.

I wrote this post to help in raising awareness for a very serious topic - for a critical problem in our lives. I am not looking for donations to any of the several non-profs that are working for advancements in medical science to give these babies the best possible odds. It's been my experience that statistics tend to mean more when there is a real-life emotion attached to it. So please know, this post could not be more heartfelt.

Everyday we say our prayers and count our blessings. God walked us through this journey and gave us the strength He knew we needed. He chose us to be Lainey's parents for reasons only He knows. But I thank him everyday for my preemie princess.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Becky or Beckett...

Regardless of what she calls this dog, she loves him. She loves the real-life version and she loves this version just as much.

It has happened. We have our first major attachment to something that isn't my hip.

The story of adopting another Beckett

As soon as Lainey and I walked into Target last week, she kept saying "Book... book. Book..." So I told her that if she sat still in the buggy, we could certainly get a new book. I mean... let's be real. If you are going to get your child a prize, at least get a book instead of another toy. At least that is my take on it...

So we made our way through the store. Wound up in the books section and picked out a book. It's a pretty awesome Pantone color book designed for children.  She picked it all on her own... she is her mother's child.

Onward to the cash registers, right?

Of course, in order to get the cash registers, we had to pass the toy section. {Well played, Target... well played.}

Lainey looks up and yells "BECKETTTT!" It was all down hill from there. She had spotted him. A stuffed little guy that looked just like her little buddy from home - my pug, Beckett.

Well she began to carry on and reach for this little stuffed dog. And so, accepting the cuteness that is my child and her excitement for this Beckett, I caved. I handed him to her and she squealed in delight and hugged him and wouldn't let him go.  She even rode home holding him.

Now, Beckett goes where Lainey goes. Car rides, Nana's house, dinner, bed time, everywhere.

They are best friends.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Party Time!

That's right, you heard me.... it's time for a party!

No, it's not a political party.  

Although, Lainey did get her vote on yesterday! 

It is time for.... *drum roll please*


Can you see the number on that scale?! Because I can.
 And it says two-zero point zero!!!!!

It has taken nearly a year and a half to get to this milestone.  
While this may not be an official weigh-in but it is totally good enough for me!


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat

It's been a crazy couple of weeks in {the nuthouse}  Hence my MIA hiatus last week.  Work is busy, life is busy, and I am just trying to enjoy the moments as they come!  October has come to end, thank goodness! We have survived a roadtrip to the OBX for one wedding, our first weekend sans bebe, and now have officially survived Halloween! 

Hope everyone enjoyed their trick or treating! I'd call our first trick or treating adventure a huge success! We had a wonderful time going trick or treating with Lainey's big cousins. {Who needs to have more kids when you have such great cousins to love on and spoil?!} 

Our house visits went kind of like this...

Boys race to door to ring the doorbell.
*ding dong*
Dylan: Trick or treat!!
Tyler: Can I have some more?
*nice person gives out candy*
Boys start to run away
Lainey: eeeeeeez
*nice person smiles and asks if she can have some candy*
Me: Lainey, says thank you!
Lainey: Welcome... bye byeeee *waves*
-- on to the next one --

I will say this, though, being a working mom on Halloween may be one of the most stressful things I have done lately! Of course, our boots were too small so this mom had to dart out of the office, hit the mall to get replacements (thank goodness for being intuitive enough to call ahead and have them put on hold) then it was the race to pick up Lainey, grab dinner for her and my 2 buddies, get dinner served and then get 2 out of 3 children dressed! phew - I am tired just reliving that 2 hour span in my head! 

Then it was off to Granny Minetree's house to go trick or treating with Dylan and Tyler! We hit a few houses with them then we surprised Nana and Grandpap with a visit and headed home.

Here are a couple of shots from the night's
{motocross} adventures!


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The {perfect} blend

Dear Boots,
It's been a while since I have had the time to sit down and actually write you a note. Sure, I post here on the regular about us, but seldom do I write to you.

You, my love, are definitely a halfsy. You are an incredible and unique blend of your father and I... so much so that at one glance, I see your father; at another glance, I see myself. 

You giggle at even slightest bit of something funny but maintain a laid back attitude. 

You love shoes, handbags in your elbow and pretty bracelets.  But you aren't afraid to climb that monster truck.

As of today, you are bald like your Daddy.  You have the same nose as me. (You can thank your great-grandma for that one.) You are stubborn like the both of us.

This tit for tat could keep going...but you get the point.

I can not begin to tell you how much happiness you bring into my life - just like your dad does. My life would not be compete without the two of you, that I am sure.

As you get older, you may lose sight of which parent gave you which traits in your life.  Some things will remain glaringly one or the other. Like how I will never escape the fact that I look just like your NeeNee. But I like to think that as a child, God hand-selected your personality traits. And he makes sure that you get the best pieces of both parents and that is what helps you become the best person you can be. You mold into your own person and you begin to develop traits that someday will be passed down to your own children.

So... regardless of where life takes you, always remember, that you carry pieces of your father and I with you...always.

Love you forever, 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I had a post idea in my mind for this week, I swear...
But this is too cute not to share.


Friday, October 5, 2012

Landon's Birth Story

Just a few days after my sister in law gave birth to my handsome nephew, I asked her to take some time to write down his birth story. Knowing she was not usually the "sentimental type," I wanted to make sure she took time to write it all down while it was fresh in her mind. Landon had quite the adventure and I am pleased to have her share her story here at {the nuthouse}. 

Landon was due to make his arrival on September 1, 2012. 
However, that date came and went.

On September 7, 2012, I was told by my Doctor that if Landon did not arrive on his own, we would need to schedule an induction for September 16, 2012. WHAT?!? Are you kidding me? 15 days past due?

Ugh! So the wait continued…

On September 16th I was supposed to call the Labor and Delivery Department of the hospital at 8:00 am to schedule my induction. Landon decided he was not going to wait until 8:00 am. At 5:00 am I began to have contractions.

I had been having Braxton Hicks contractions earlier in the pregnancy but these contractions were VERY different, very constant, and very uncomfortable to say the least. I knew it was time! Gilbert and I headed to the hospital - Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center, Ft. Hood Texas. It was pouring rain outside. Not a common occurrence in Central Texas.

Upon arrival, I was admitted and all the routine tests and monitoring began. I was indeed in active labor. There was just one problem…

The hospital had no rooms available for me.

WHAT?!? Are you kidding me - again?

I was already 15 days past due, now in active labor and now I am being told that there is no room for me?!

The hospital staff had no choice but to scramble, make a few phone calls and figure out where they could send me. After a few minutes, a nurse returned to tell me that I was going to be transported an hour away to St. David’s Hospital in Austin Texas via ambulance.

Gilbert was to follow us in his car.

Back out into the pouring rain we went. With the rain, came the numerous accidents on the highway and the insanely backed up traffic. My one hour ambulance ride turned into two hours. The longest and most uncomfortable two hour trip EVER.

By now, my contractions were about two minutes apart. The whole time I could see Gilbert out of the rear window of the ambulance. I just kept praying that Landon would not arrive in the back of an ambulance with Gilbert following in the car.

We finally arrive at the hospital and despite my extreme discomfort, I was incredibly impressed with the “luxury style” birthing suite I was taken to. Within minutes, a Doctor was in the room and we were discussing my options. Earlier in my pregnancy I fractured my pelvis (another long story in and of itself). That being said, there had always been questions and concerns about the whole delivery. After the Doctor’s examination, it was determined that I was already eight centimeters dilated and fully effaced. However, Landon was in a terrible position. The Doctor said that he had very broad shoulders and that there was a strong possibility that he could break his clavicle and our worsen my pelvic fracture if I were to proceed with vaginal delivery so we decided on a caesarian section.

From there, things progressed quickly and within an hour Landon Kyle Paiz was born.

September 16, 2012 at 2:18pm. 8 pounds 11 ounces, 21 inches long. Perfectly happy, healthy, and beautiful. 


Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Holy hell, is it really October already?! Sweet Jesus, where is the year going?!  

Well... errr... I guess I better a move on the upcoming holiday season!

A peak into {the nuthouse} calendar for this month...
One high school reunion
A trip to Carter Mountain to pick apples
One destination wedding to the Outer Banks
One weekend wedding adventure in Va Beach
A pumpkin patch?
One mother in law (aka the babysitter) on a cruise for a week
Plus a trip to Texas for Nana and Grandpap to meet baby Landon!
Those last 2 yield the toddler juggle and crazy, busy mornings.  Because I am spoiled and my mother in law picks up Lainey every morning but while she is gone, I will be {literally} running crazy to get Lainey where she needs to be every morning!

I keep telling myself, "We just have to get through this month and things will calm down." But will they really? I mean... after October comes November with a family photo session and Thanksgiving then comes DECEMBER! December... oh, you know... that month with Christmas in it! December brings our annual trip to Swift Creek Mill Playhouse to see Drifty!  And this year, we are adding Santa brunch to the mix at Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens too! 

Add in everyday life such as groceries, cleaning, laundry, Sesame Street, toys, dogs, husband, dishes... all with a toddler attached to my hip! {hello, separation anxiety at its finest}

I am already tried... bring on the coffee, por favor!

Who decided it was a good idea to fill the end of every year with a million things any way?! I think it happens every year, doesn't it?


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

15 months

15 month stats
Height: 30 inches
Weight: a whopping 18 pounds

That puts Little Miss in the 25th percentile for height and still holding strong in the less than 3% for weight.  She is a peanut, for sure! But the good news is that she continues to grow upward - no leveling out just yet. So there are no concerns for her petite size.

Things you can do:
Talk (but I wish you came with a translator)
Slide by yourself
Talk on the phone
Wear a purse with style
Drink from a straw
Pick out your own clothes
Understand how to dress/undress
Matching even more animals with their sounds

Some words you can say:
Tantoo and Welcome
I love *point to you*

Things you like to eat:
Hot dogs
Soy dogs (oh, there's that toddler trickery again!)
Chicken nuggets
Peanut butter and jelly
Yogurt bites
Anything on Mommy's plate

Toys you like:
Your dolls, Dolby and DD
Your four wheeler from Dylan
Does climbing count as a toy? Because you LOVE to climb!


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Welcome to {the Nuthouse} Landon!

He may have been a little late, but never the less, I am pleased to introduce you to the newest member of our {nuthouse}

 Landon Kyle Paiz
September 16, 2012
8 pounds 11 ounces
21 inches long

Side note: Just to put some perspective on this big boy, he is nearly 3 times the weight of Lainey when she was born!

My sister in law and I had very opposite pregnancies:

Lainey was incredibly early.
Landon was incredibly late. (Yes, 2 weeks isn't THAT late, but when you are pregnant - and in texas - 2 weeks longer is 2 weeks too many!!)

Lainey was a peanut.
Landon is a watermelon.

Pregnancy wasn't that bad for me.
Pregnancy kicked Melissa's tail - literally, as she has a fractured pelvis from this kiddo!

And while we both delivered via c-section, I am sure our stories are dramatically different.  I have asked Melissa to write a guest post for me on Landon's birth story.  I have almost intentionally not asked too many questions of Melissa regarding Landon's entire story, because I really want to read it with the rest of ya'll! 

The minute I told Lainey she was officially a big cousin, she got so excited! It was absolutely priceless to see her reaction.

For now, my new and oh-so-handsome nephew (along with Auntie M and Gilby) are living near Fort Hood, Texas.  So I will only be able to pretend to get baby snuggles and pretend that I can smell baby until they make the voyage East!  

But Lainey and Landon have a Skype date this weekend... this should be fun!

We can't wait to meet you, little man!  It's incredible how much your Ninna and Uncle Phil love you already!  And we are beyond ecstatic for your Mommy and Daddy.  They are going to be fabulous parents to you.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Grandma Poole on baby shoes

Other than "babies should always wear white because they are angels," there isn't a ton of baby advice that I remember from my Grandma.  That's really due to the fact that I didn't have babies when my grandma was alive, so I never thought to ask her.

But there are a few more things that I do remember...

1. Always put an undershirt on a baby - their backs should never show!  I am generally pretty good about this; unless it's crazy hot outside and that extra layer will only make Lainey more uncomfortable or if it's a piece of clothing that we simply can't wear an undershirt with - like a sundress or romper.

2. Never skimp on a child's shoes.  This is something my mother still preaches today, and so, I never skimp on Lainey's shoes. (Queue the great debate on walking in shoes vs. walking barefoot)

Lainey does her fair share of walking both barefoot and in shoes.  But I just can't bring myself to let her go out without shoes on; maybe it's vanity...ok, I am sure it's vanity... but some times you just look jicky without your shoes on! In the summer time, sure - go barefoot! No body likes hot, stuffy feet.  However the cooler it gets outside, the jickier I think Lainey would look without shoes on.  Call me crazy, but that's how I roll.

So, I figured we would spend a little time looking at some kicks for kiddo!  Even if you aren't starting school in the last week or so, you still need shoes, right?

I have purchased my fair share of shoes for Lainey - from sandals to boots, we've got them all in our closet!

But let's be real... my little one has an opinion on what she wears, so why would I ever think she wouldn't have an opinion about shoes?! (Lord, help me!!) 

Here's what we have in our closet for the fall... 

See Kai Run - Henning

See Kai Run - Kalea

See Kai Run - Leilani

Sparkly Toms

The Children's Place - Chalet Boots

See Kai Run

Oooh LaLa! Such fancy feet!!

Fall is my favorite time of the year... jeans, boots, dresses, rights and scarves....mmmm! Definitely looking forward to sharing some of fall fashions from {the nuthouse} soon!


Thursday, September 6, 2012

We made it!

We have officially survived VCU Panhellenic Recruitment 2012!! 

This makes #3 for me as the recruitment adviser to the Theta Nu chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta. 

I may have been MIA from anything other than sorority life for 4 days, but it was worth it! The sisters of Alpha Gamma Delta pulled it out and we now welcome the Alpha Mu new member class - ALL 29 OF THEM!!

Not to mention, this year's recruitment is a special one to me.  My cousin, Jessica, just started at VCU and decided to go out for recruitment. While it made this year a little trickier because I couldn't scream from the roof tops at her about my *one love* since I needed her to make this decision on her own.  But who was I kidding?! She obviously made an awesome decision and is going to love this new adventure.

Oh, yeah....guess I should mention...
 my cousin is becoming my sister!! 

Nana Squirrel

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Are we a "one and done" family?

Just after we got married, the question every one asked was, "So when are ya'll going to have a baby?!" Why the two must go hand in hand and happen almost simultaneously is still unclear to me. 

Although, I will admit, I too am guilty of asking newlyweds when they will become parents.

But now....Now that Lainey is just over a year old, the big question is "So when is number 2 coming along?"

Well I will tell you...wait for it...It's not.

At least he or she is not anywhere on my plan or radar 
at this point.

Yes, I realize what I just said... for all of those holding on to the notion that we will have another baby, I have left it somewhat open-ended.  BUT the only reason I respond this way, is because I realize there is a greater plan and I can not say with 100% certainty that #2 is not in His plan for us.

But, I have had this conversation with myself - with my husband - with my friends - with my mother - with my aunts - anyone who asks, really.  

And I mean this with every fiber of my being... 

I truthfully and am enjoying being a mother of one.  I can't even wrap my mind around being a mom of more kids at this time.  Life is so fun with Lainey.  And there is totally - two schools of thought on that - one is fun so 2 must be REALLY fun orrrrr one is good so why mess with a good thing? I tend to lean more towards to the latter.

At this point in conversations, some people say, "Oh you must be an only child. You don't know what it's like to have a sibling."


I have 2 sisters and a brother.

I love each of them very dearly.  And I admit, I can't imagine life without them. But there are so many years between each of us, it's like being an only child.  You see, I have the best of both worlds. I have the support and love of a sibling, but never had to share my toys.  By the time my little sister was born, I was already in middle school; the damage had been done and lucky for my mom, I was pretty self-sufficient.

We call it the "12-year itch" in my family... interesting fact: there are about 12 years between me and each of my sisters and about 12 years between my little sister and Lainey.

The whole idea of paying for college and proms and weddings and life in general, is scary enough. Now multiply it by 2 (or even more) and it's absolutely terrifying to me.

I pride myself on time management and the mommy gene I hold in my DNA strand, but I just don't know...  Can it be done? Oh, definitely!  Do I think it's right for us? Jury is still out.

Add my fears to the emergency birth of child #1 and it just doesn't settle well with me.  Call me crazy, but one emergency c-section and one long NICU adventure is enough to last me a lifetime!

Do I love babies? Oh Lord yes - their smell, their giggles, their fuzzy hair.  All of it - I LOVE ALL OF IT!  But do I love high blood pressures, swollen feet, c-sections, and being a human cow? Nope.

Do I love Lainey?  ABSOLUTELY!  With every piece of my heart.  Can I share that love?  Why, of course!

This whole discussion and brain-dump lends itself to the question... do you think a child needs a sibling?

To be honest - no, I don't think a child needs a sibling.  I already told you I couldn't imagine my life without my siblings.  This is true.  But that's because they are a part of my family - they help make up who I am.  But I don't think Lainey needs a brother or sister to develop or grow into a good person.

I like our life as a trio and I am fine with keeping it that way...

Every family is different, so please don't consider this me thinking negatively on families with more than one child.  In fact, it's the opposite of that. I commend you because I don't know how you do it!!


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What do you mean, "No" ??

Lainey is learning lots of things lately.... 

One thing she has not learned how to do yet is WALK! That's right - she may even crawl to kindergarten as far as I am concerned.

But instead of harping on what she isn't doing, let's chat about what she IS doing...

- Figuring out sign language (I am totally planning on doing a whole write-up on this experience)
- Matching animals to sounds
- Pulling toys out of her baskets and methodically putting them back into the basket
- Identifying people in pictures and saying their name
- Manners! Who would have thought a toddler would be able to say "TanToo" before walking!?
- Getting food in her mouth with a spoon on her own...sometimes.
- Picking out clothes
- Saying "no" alot ALOT and using it correctly

The day has come...
The dreaded day when you realize your child has an opinion all of their own.

Prime Example, and if you are my facebook friend, you may already know this story...

Just the other day, I went to Lainey's room - picked out some clothes - brought them to her and proceeded to get her dressed.  All the while she is saying "Oh no no no no no."  I thought it was getting in dressed in general that she had a problem with, so I continued to say "Well, honey, you can't go topless!" 10 minutes later, she is still tugging at her shirt trying to get out of it saying "no no no no." 
So I took her to room and said, "Ok, fine. Here's some shirts. Pick one."

And she did. Then she smiled. And our day continued.

What do you get when you let your toddler pick out her own clothes?

DVF + cut off jean shorts, of course!

These opinions are creeping into feeding time too.  It's certainly helpful to know what doesn't want to eat, but really? What do you do when she doesn't want to eat anything you give her? Where do you draw the line?? I usually just keep going across whatever line may be there and offer something else... poor parenting? Maybe. Full tummy? Most of the time.

Anyone have tips on how to get a toddler to eat more all whilst teething? I think we are approaching our next round of teeth so maybe that has something to do with this change in hunger.

So, there's lots of growing going on.... lots of developing.... just not lots of walking! 


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