Friday, December 21, 2012

What's in your stocking?

I will be the first to admit, it doesn't feel Christmasy to me yet.  Maybe that's because of the unseasonably warm temps here in RVA but never the less... Christmas is almost here!  Santa's sleigh must be nearly ready to take off - I sure hope he wasn't planning on the world ending!

Last night, I went with "the bigs" to help Santa get the stockings in order for our house. 

I tried not to get things that we would just end up throwing away.  So I put my practical mommy hat on and hit the aisles of Target.

But I must admit...stockings are not cheap!  Not even the "cheap stuff" is cheap! 

 So here's what I got:
  • Cinderella DVD (with digital download for the iPad)
  • a 2-pack of Little People Disney princesses
  • Toothbrush/toothpaste set
  • Travel pack of Boogie Wipes
  • a new bouncy ball
  • Plastic spoon and fork set
  • Crayola Color Wonder mini-set
  • Hippo wash mitt
  • Yet another "Beckett" (but this one is cuter than the others we have!) 

Now I have to ask... what kinds of things do ya'll put in your little ones' stockings?!

Super Sale Bonus from last night! 

As we wandered the store, I found this guy for only $3.88!!!
 This Skip Hop lunch bag was on sale for less than $4!  
Why? I have no idea!  
Do I have a planned use for it yet?  Nope.  
But for $3.88 how could I resist?!  
We have the hippo one and use it for storing our Little People figures, so maybe I'll use this one for the overflow of those guys.

Who says you can only use a "lunch bag" to hold your lunch?!

If I don't check in before Christmas, I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday!!


Monday, December 17, 2012

A scared and heavy heart

Dear Lainey, 
You are far too young to understand what is happening in our nation right now.  Hell, to be honest, I don't even understand it. 

Over the weekend, you had the fun opportunity to road trip it up with your cousins and enjoy their company as ya'll peered over the balcony to see the wondrous Christmas lights and then bounce back into the hotel room for a room service treat filled with giggles and fun.

But not everyone was quite as lucky as you and I.  

You see, a terrible thing happened before we embarked on this holiday adventure.  A man in Connecticut took the lives of innocent boys and girls and their teachers. And today, there are parents who are mourning.  They are mourning a type mourning that I hope I never have to endure.  

I can't imagine what it would be like to wake up without you.

As I packed our overnight bag, I rushed into my closet to get a hoodie and saw you sitting in the floor with a pile of my necklaces surrounding you -- some wrapped around your feet, some on your neck, and some draping your hand.  You looked up at me and said, "Momma!! PreTty!!" and showed me all of your fabulous new finds. I usually would say, "Oh no! Don't get them tangled." But I couldn't.  I looked at you, smiled and just said "You sure are." And then... I lost it. I broke down and cried for those parents and just wrapped my arms around you until you wiggled yourself free.

Soon after that moment, my phone rang.  It was your dad calling to inform me that from now on, you are never leaving his side and you are going to be homeschooled... oh, and live in a bubble.  I chuckled and told him that as much as we would like to, we can not protect you from all the evils in this world.  But inside, I knew exactly how he felt and kind of wanted to agree with him.

Little one, you must know that you are the most important thing ever in my life.  God chose me to be your momma and I thank him every day for the miracle that is you. 

And now, as I thank him for you, I must also ask him to wrap his arms around those in CT and bring comfort and strength to them.  

While the image that is typically shown with this scripture doesn't match these event, at all, it is heavy on my heart and I feel like it fits...

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14

Love and Prayers,

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

An ornament tradition

Last year, for Lainey's first Christmas, her Auntie M sent her an ornament for our tree. It was an embroidered bird that said "First Christmas." I absolutely loved it because it wasn't baby booties and it wasn't pale pink.  It was almost rustic/folk art-ish -- with hand embroidering.

This year, Auntie M sent another ornament.  A ceramic ornament with birds on it that says, "Lainey 2012" on it.  The note attached said, "It seems I have started a tradition, Lainey Bird."

Well if Auntie M is starting an "aunt's tradition" you better believe I will be returning the sentiment to my new, and oh so handsome, nephew, Landon.

Since baby cuz lives half across the country, literally, I took to the internet to find something that I could have sent to him.

Then I found it.  
The perfect ornament for him!

For Landon's first Christmas he will be hopping a plane to California to meet his other grandparents! 

And so...a tradition has been born.

What are some traditions that ya'll have?


Monday, December 3, 2012

{not so perfect photo}

Ok... anyone who knows me, personally, knows how much I love life behind the camera. Ever since I can remember, I have had a camera in my hand. When I was in high school, the dark room was my happy place. In college, school got in the way of any big time photography happenings. And since graduating, I must admit, I have some other priorities and big things happening.


A couple of months ago, I was toying with the idea of becoming a Rendi consultant and doing home shows for a company that does some fabulous work with your own photos.

Then it hit me - like a ton of bricks.

If I thought I had enough to add something like Rendi in my crazy life, then why don't I have time to devote to getting myself back behind the camera.

And so...

{not so perfect photo} has been born.

While I have always had a camera in my hand, I have not always had the power of Photoshop; so I am pretty stoked to work on some skills along this adventure.

My first client

More to come from this journey through a soybean field...


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