Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Half Birthday!

How is it my daughter is already 6 months old?! Where is time going!? My tiny preemie princess is growing into a beautiful little girl.  She is shedding that tiny old man look that so many preemie babies have and is filling in those cheeks with some baby pudge. 

Over the weekend we started on cereal - just mixed with water to the consistency of about grits.  I will admit, I initially tried cereal with her last weekend, and it didn't go so well.  Lainey just seemed completely uninterested in it, so I took that as a hint and put down the spoon.  When I asked her pediatrician about it at our check up, she suggested making it thicker than the box calls for, so that's what we tried. And ta-do! I can't say she gobbled it all up, because there was still cereal in the bowl, but Lainey definitely ate it! I figure we will keep at this for a little while and then get to the fun stuff!  I can't wait to introduce fun baby foods! 

Lainey at 6 months

Weight: 11 pounds - that's right!! Bring on the 10 pound party!!!

Height: 24 inches

Milestones: Laughing, cooing, growling, recognizing voices and even her name, finally looking pretty during tummy time with that head held up, grabbing toys and bringing them to her face, and I am pretty sure I little white spot in that mouth - maybe that's why we are a drooling faucet these days!

Sleep: You betcha! *knock on wood* Our bed time routine is not one to be messed with - bath, bottle, book, bed! Lainey usually goes to bed around 8 and sleeps until 6:30!

Best Moment Recently: Without a doubt, Lainey's first word has been Momma! It may have been in between crying sobs, but that's okay! She said it! Phil won't admit it, but I have witnesses to prove it!   

Momma thoughts: It's hard to balance the many hats moms wear these days.  My hats include, Mommy, wife, career girl, sister, daughter, maid, chef (aka take out orderer), graduate student, philanthropist, painter, photographer, crafter, friend, accountant, laundry mat ... and the list could be never ending! Someone asked me "How do you do it all?" My sarcastic answer was "Redbull and a good eye cream to hide the dark circles."  And no lie - that's true. I do have a love for caffeine and I do invest in great skin care products! But the real answer is... I don't. I don't do it all - certainly not alone. I try my damnedest to do it all, I really do. But some things have to give, some times you have to bend.  So the kitchen didn't get scrubbed last night and the laundry sometimes gets out of control... and there's a layer of dust thick enough to write in on some of the bookshelves.  Who cares? Yes, it would be nice if everything was spotless, believe, I know.  But if my option is to a) give Lainey a bath and then snuggle with my husband or b) clean the kitchen ... I'm going with A, no doubt!  *end rant*

In reality, these 6 months have been the best months of my life.  I am so happy to be this little girl's momma and am so blessed to get to watch her grow! 

One more shot from our Christmas/6-month photos with Blair!


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The guy in red

I had intended to show everyone a sneak peak of Lainey's 6-month photo session with Mott Photography this week, but instead, I decided to hold out on that until I post Lainey's 6-month stats.

Her 6-month check up is on Friday.  Did I really just say, "6-month check up?!" Where is time going?! When I was pregnant, by month 6, it seemed like a time was creeping by, but not now. Now it seems like time is racing by - where did my teeny tiny newborn go?

I will tell you where she went ... to the North Pole, apparently!

We are getting close to Christmas and the countdown is on! Hope everyone else is as excited about the holidays as we are here at the {nuthouse}.


Monday, December 5, 2011

A big day

Yesterday was a big day for Little Miss Lainey! 
In front of all her family and the entire congregation of our tiny country church,
Lainey was baptized.

And she cried.... the-entire-time.

We kept our game faces on though and just chalked it up to her wanting to sing the upcoming Hymn.

Turns out no matter how hard you try and how much you plan that late morning feeding, 
Lainey wanted lunch...an hour earlier than normal.

But that's okay.
God loves her any way.

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