Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Half Birthday!

How is it my daughter is already 6 months old?! Where is time going!? My tiny preemie princess is growing into a beautiful little girl.  She is shedding that tiny old man look that so many preemie babies have and is filling in those cheeks with some baby pudge. 

Over the weekend we started on cereal - just mixed with water to the consistency of about grits.  I will admit, I initially tried cereal with her last weekend, and it didn't go so well.  Lainey just seemed completely uninterested in it, so I took that as a hint and put down the spoon.  When I asked her pediatrician about it at our check up, she suggested making it thicker than the box calls for, so that's what we tried. And ta-do! I can't say she gobbled it all up, because there was still cereal in the bowl, but Lainey definitely ate it! I figure we will keep at this for a little while and then get to the fun stuff!  I can't wait to introduce fun baby foods! 

Lainey at 6 months

Weight: 11 pounds - that's right!! Bring on the 10 pound party!!!

Height: 24 inches

Milestones: Laughing, cooing, growling, recognizing voices and even her name, finally looking pretty during tummy time with that head held up, grabbing toys and bringing them to her face, and I am pretty sure I little white spot in that mouth - maybe that's why we are a drooling faucet these days!

Sleep: You betcha! *knock on wood* Our bed time routine is not one to be messed with - bath, bottle, book, bed! Lainey usually goes to bed around 8 and sleeps until 6:30!

Best Moment Recently: Without a doubt, Lainey's first word has been Momma! It may have been in between crying sobs, but that's okay! She said it! Phil won't admit it, but I have witnesses to prove it!   

Momma thoughts: It's hard to balance the many hats moms wear these days.  My hats include, Mommy, wife, career girl, sister, daughter, maid, chef (aka take out orderer), graduate student, philanthropist, painter, photographer, crafter, friend, accountant, laundry mat ... and the list could be never ending! Someone asked me "How do you do it all?" My sarcastic answer was "Redbull and a good eye cream to hide the dark circles."  And no lie - that's true. I do have a love for caffeine and I do invest in great skin care products! But the real answer is... I don't. I don't do it all - certainly not alone. I try my damnedest to do it all, I really do. But some things have to give, some times you have to bend.  So the kitchen didn't get scrubbed last night and the laundry sometimes gets out of control... and there's a layer of dust thick enough to write in on some of the bookshelves.  Who cares? Yes, it would be nice if everything was spotless, believe, I know.  But if my option is to a) give Lainey a bath and then snuggle with my husband or b) clean the kitchen ... I'm going with A, no doubt!  *end rant*

In reality, these 6 months have been the best months of my life.  I am so happy to be this little girl's momma and am so blessed to get to watch her grow! 

One more shot from our Christmas/6-month photos with Blair!


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The guy in red

I had intended to show everyone a sneak peak of Lainey's 6-month photo session with Mott Photography this week, but instead, I decided to hold out on that until I post Lainey's 6-month stats.

Her 6-month check up is on Friday.  Did I really just say, "6-month check up?!" Where is time going?! When I was pregnant, by month 6, it seemed like a time was creeping by, but not now. Now it seems like time is racing by - where did my teeny tiny newborn go?

I will tell you where she went ... to the North Pole, apparently!

We are getting close to Christmas and the countdown is on! Hope everyone else is as excited about the holidays as we are here at the {nuthouse}.


Monday, December 5, 2011

A big day

Yesterday was a big day for Little Miss Lainey! 
In front of all her family and the entire congregation of our tiny country church,
Lainey was baptized.

And she cried.... the-entire-time.

We kept our game faces on though and just chalked it up to her wanting to sing the upcoming Hymn.

Turns out no matter how hard you try and how much you plan that late morning feeding, 
Lainey wanted lunch...an hour earlier than normal.

But that's okay.
God loves her any way.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

{the venemas} first thanksgiving

If you are my friend on facebook, you know that Lainey and I tried to count all the things we are thankful for, but quickly ran out of little fingers and toes to count! 

This year our family has a lot to be thankful for, that's for sure!  At the top of that list is a healthy daughter!  I can't even explain how excited I was to have Lainey around for the festivities.  Seriously - I can't - I tried.  I have sat here typing, deleting, and retyping sentences trying to spit it out and it's just not happening.  But rest assured, even she doesn't remember her first Thanksgiving, I will!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving - filled with love, laughter, and deliciousness! We hope ya'll did too!! Here's some photos from dinner at NeeNee's. 


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Family photo sneak peak

A couple of weeks ago, we had the pleasure of working with Rebecca Ward of Rebecca Ward Photography to finally get some official family photos! Philip and I prefer to be on the other side of the camera, you know, the side where you aren't seen! But as much as I like taking photos and being Lainey's personal paparazzi, I can't get good pictures of our trio by myself!! Rebecca was also our wedding photographer - we have seen her business transform and couldn't be more proud to be one of her "first clients." 

Here is a sneak peak of our session:

That frame is sure getting some use in Lainey's photos.  It's my favorite piece from my collection of antique frames.

Speaking of Rebecca Ward Photography, Rebecca is a contest sponsored by Hipstamatic to be Miranda Lambert's next tour photographer! If you have a second, literally a second or two, go here and vote for her! Last time I checked, she was in second place and trailing by 100 votes! It would be a totally bad ass opportunity for her to win!!


Monday, November 21, 2011

Dear Santa,

I haven't been around long enough to be naughty, so I am sure that I am on your nice list. This is my very first Christmas, but you already know that, don't you?  Mommy keeps telling me how much fun Christmas is going to be with all of my family here to love on me! I just thought I would share with you my Christmas list... in case you needed some ideas.

A new comfy chair to sit in while I watch Sports Center with my Daddy:

Something to chew on:
Source: babble.com via Linda on Pinterest

For when I am in the car:

My iPod needs a case:

I don't like shoes, but my mommy says I need some:
Source: shoes.com via Linda on Pinterest

Some new books to read at bed time:

I probably need my very first ornament too:

And if you are feeling practical, I am going to need size 2 diapers here shortly!

Thanks! I can't wait to meet you!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Getting ready for Christmas

Middle of November?? Already?! Where is the year going? Baby girl will be 5 months in just 2 short days!!

This time last year, I was anxiously awaiting the "5 days earlier" grace period where the pregnancy test is supposed to work! And actually, I already knew.  I was just waiting for the test to confirm it for my own sanity's sake. 

This year though, it's a totally new anxious feeling filling the air in the nuthouse! It's baby's first Christmas! It's hard to believe that with temperatures in the mid 70's, it's time to start prepping for Santa! Santa?! Oh my gosh - that's right! From here on out, we get to have Santa in our house! Well at least for the next 10 years, dammit! I get to take bites out of cookies and leave just a little bit of milk in the bottom of glass resting on the mantle! And stockings are going to be taken to a whole new level this year! Thank goodness I was the weirdo who bought extra stockings a few years ago, "just in case" because I loved them so much!

So many memories are in the making and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! 
And since Lainey won't know what's going on, at least me and her daddy will remember this first Christmas forever.

On a side note...
We are getting oh so close to that 10-pound party!! I've been telling Lainey every day if she hits 10 pounds, then we are having a party!  We have finally moved on to 3 month sized clothes! haha

This picture is from over this past weekend at a birthday party for Lainey's friend, Logan.  He turned the big 7 this year!!!

Santa...oh, I mean... Linda

Monday, November 7, 2011

When do traditions start?

I will admit, there are very few traditions that I actually remember from childhood.

I remember my dad reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas every Christmas Eve after my parents' divorce.

I remember my mom always made sure I got separate gifts on 2/14 - birthday gifts and a Valentine's Day gift.

I remember my grandmother making me wear sponge rollers and sitting under an old hair dryer and tying my pigtails up with this super wide yarn/ribbon.

I remember someone used to give me porcelain figurines for each of my birthdays. They were pastel-colored dolls with gold numbers on them for my age.

I remember a lot of Halloweens where my cousin and I had matching costumes.

And to this day... we all still go see Drifty the Snowman at the Swift Creek Mill Playhouse every year before Christmas.

But one thing I don't know is...
when did those traditions start? 

And when do our family traditions begin?

How do you decide what becomes a tradition?  Is it something you can even really decide upon or do they just evolve on their own? I know Lainey will not remember this first Christmas, but how much do I do and how far do you take these traditions?

I have a slight obsession with books, as some of you may know from earlier posts.  I especially love old books - ones that smell like old leather or musty paper!  And, as you can imagine, Lainey does not need toys. Really. I mean we buy things all the time.  (I joke and call this my "you get a prize" parenting method.  Yes, I know, that is not parenting. But I also know that when you're crying at the doctor's office because you just 3 shots.... you will definitely get a prize!) 

All of that being said, I have decided to start a tradition of my own.  

Penguin Classics has been releasing some of the most gorgeous cloth-bound books in the last couple of years. So I am thinking it would be nice for every milestone - gift-worthy event, I will give Lainey a book. Hopefully it will be a cloth-bound Penguin/Puffin Classic book.  It started with her first copy of The Little Prince. I came across a gorgeous vintage copy of it that has the perfectly aged cloth binding.  Now, as silly as it may sound, I plan on stocking up on these classic novels and hoarding them away for the perfect days.

Traditions start whenever and wherever you want them to...
so let the traditions begin.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween, ya'll!

Shew! What a busy day it was yesterday. This whole being a career-driven lady/wife/awesome mom/super hero job is a little exhausting some days. But no, I wouldn't trade for the world.  Yes, there are some days when I wish I could be a stay at home mommy, of course there! And there are DEFINITELY days when I am jealous of my mommy friends who get that opportunity, but this is my life and I love it. 

I get to be a provider, a boo boo kisser, a problem solver, a gift giver, and a bedtime story reader.  And some times, if I am lucky, I even get to be the dinner cooker and a art creator.

Yesterday was a typical day in the life of me.  Packed full of meetings, projects, and a quick lunch date - then 4:30 hit the clock and I hit the ground running. Most days, I don't mind getting caught at the elevator or staying a few minutes late, "just to get this wrapped up."  But today was different! It was a big day - I needed to get home!  It was baby's first Halloween!  I had stuff to do - a baby to dress - candy to get ready - kids to see!!

I got home and Daddy was lucky enough to have a lazy day with baby girl. (so jealous!!)  I quickly went to the closet, grabbed a "fancy pumpkin outfit" and got baby girl all dressed up.  Found out our "fancy pumpkin topper" was still just a bit too big, so I decided to tie the back of it in a knot to tighten it up - besides, no one will see that any way, right?  If it's not in the pictures - it didn't happen! Since Lainey is still too little to go out trick or treating, so this was more for me any way. I wanted to have the satisfaction of knowing she was something for her first Halloween... something other than asleep!

After being forced into a million pictures, Lainey decided the fun time was over, and that it was time to put some jammies on!  Duh - of course we have Halloween jammies! 

Everyone at the Nut House hopes all of ya'll had a great Halloween and that all the kiddos who went Trick-or-Treating got an awesome haul of candy!!


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

4 months old

Lainey is 4 months old now... I'm sorry, in baby time, that's 16 weeks.  Well, she is actually 17 weeks, but who's counting? Oh wait... I am! 

It's always funny to me how moms always say "Oh, he is 9 weeks old" or "She is 24 weeks old."  Who can keep track with that many weeks?  It's like military time - there's a whole equation that goes with it! So, I just guess. Call me a bad mom, call me dumb, call me silly... I don't mind.  It's totally ok with me to guesstimate Lainey's age.  Now, if she is 1 and a half and I am calling her a 2-year old.... that may be stretching my estimate a little far, but for now, it works.  And let's be real, at this point, everything is still overwhelming and fun, she is lucky I even remember what day she was born! Just kidding, of course I remember the day she was born, I just may not always get the date right.  You see, she was born the day after my old brother, so sometimes, I say her birthday is his birthday.  But in guesstimating, that's pretty close! Only a day off!!

Here are Lainey's official four month stats:
Weight: 8 pounds 11 ounces 
(although, I swear I have weighed her at home at 9 pounds!!)
Length: 22 inches
Head Circumference: 38 centimeters

In actuality, Lainey is still below the charts - she's in the < 3% percentile.  Buuuuuuuuuut if you use her adjusted age (her actual age - minus her due date) she is about 10 weeks old and is settling in nicely on "the chart."  Her weight is in the 10th percentile while her other measurements are in the 25th.

Lainey is starting to try and sit up on her own, and she desperately wants to be able to move more.  I just keep reminding her that, "Weebles wabble but they don't fall down!"  It's also kind of funny to watch her get frustrated during tummy time when she realizes she is stuck. Then I cave and feel bad for my child and at that point, it's break time any way!  She is STILL in newborn clothes.  Goodness gracious will I be excited when we get out of these clothes! I am ready for something new, but am definitely not going to be anymore clothes with "NB" on them as we have so many already!!! I did, however, finally find some shoes to fit those tiny feet! Or maybe those tiny feet are finally starting to grow.... either way, we have shoes that fit! WooHoo!!

Lately, the best moments have been watching Lainey discover new things, which seems to be happening on a daily basis. 


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

from one daddy's girl to another

It's hard to believe you are already 4 months old, and it's even harder to believe how much you have grown since your crazy entry into this world. Since you got here, you have spent over a month in the NICU, moved into the nuthouse, rocked our world, gone to the beach, spent countless hours surrounded by people who love you, and have even made friends with your four-legged brothers. You have also experience an earthquake and gone nearly 2 weeks without electricity!  Not to mention, in your free time, you have discovered Nick Jr., your feet, your gorgeous reflection, and that bath time is fun time.

The joy you are bringing to our lives is insurmountable. 

But I must say... from one daddy's girl to another... goodness gracious do you have your daddy completely wrapped around your little fingers!  You know, your fingers - those things you keep shoving in your mouth and gnawing on... yes, those things. Those things are called fingers.  The look on your face when your daddy sings to you is enough to take this mommy's breath away.  Your daddy loves you with all of his heart and I know he is the best daddy God could have ever blessed upon you.  At Adam and Lindsey's wedding, when he thought no one could see him because everyone else was watching the father/daughter dance.  I must admit, I was watching a different father/daughter dance.  As "My Girl" played on the dance floor and Lindsey danced with her daddy, I looked to my right and caught you dancing with your daddy.  I caught him singing to you and watched as he bounced you around in the landing on the staircase - I nearly cried.  No, not because I was sad, but because my heart was so full of happiness.  It was the cutest thing I have ever seen.

As much as I tell Daddy that you are Momma's girl... I know, deep down, you are a Daddy's girl.  And from one daddy's girl to another, enjoy every minute of it, because there is nothing like being a daddy's girl.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I have feet and I like to smile and dance

Lainey has accomplished some pretty "big girl" milestones in the last couple of weeks. 

She is ever-so-close to double digit weight!  This momma is going to have a party for that 10-pounder when we get there!
She is "talking." And by talking, I mean she is making noises back at me.  At least she isn't looking at my like I am a crazy person when I talk to her anymore.
She is smiling - all the time! No, I am not talking about the gassy smile or the dreamy naptime smile. I am talking about a full on, "I'm happy and excited" smile! She smiles back at us when we play and she smiles when she sees colors on Nick Jr.

She is lifting her head all on her own, and holy cow is she strong! We still get an occasional/unexpected headbutt every once in a while, but they are becoming less frequent.

It's official... 
Lainey has discovered her feet!! It's too funny to sit and watch her as she tries to grasp at them. It's even funnier to watch how excited she gets when music comes on! She will kick those little feet just as fast as she can! (look at how blurry they are in that picture!!)

I have also caught her:
  • Staring at herself in the mirror
  • Grabbing her Lamaze Hippo toy to hear it crunch
  • Posing for the camera

Love from the proud momma,

Monday, October 3, 2011

{the venema} registry

Since Lainey was born, we have found out that Lainey is going to have herself some friends!  That's right - the world keeps turning after your daughter is born and others have babies too! What a concept!  The good thing though, is this means we are not alone in this game called parenting and Lainey has people to grow up with.  It also means that since we were the first baby in this "wave," I get a lot of random texts that say things like "What do you use for this..."  "How do I pick that..." or "What do you recommend?"  

Now I am not going to lie... I sent my fair share of these texts/emails/phone calls/facebook posts when we were prepping for Lainey! 
I would have been lost without my Biggie and Blair at the Ellwood Avenue Chronicles!

I figured I would share some of the stuff we registered for before Lainey was born and some gadgets I have purchased since then, but totally recommend to any expecting moms!  Just so you know, as I find new stuff, I usually "pin it." You can also check out some of the things I find in my pinterest.  There's a link on the right-hand side of the blog to follow my pins!

Let's get this party started... 
Here's the Venema top 7

  1. 4Moms mamaRoo - who needs a traditional swing when you have a mamaRoo?! Not us - that's for sure!  We like to call this thing the "space pod" at our house.  It does so many neat movements; if Lainey gets bored with one, I switch it up and she resumes her regularly scheduled happy baby programming.
  2. Munchkin formula mixer - yes, I know this seems a little extreme, but it's true.  Now, we usually use ready-made formula but the occasions when we use powdered, we use this little mixer to blend the formula powder up rather than shaking it.  Less bubbles = less gas = happier baby.
  3. Wubbanub - holy moly, where would we be without Wubba?! For a while I thought I was becoming more dependent on this adorable Binky with a stuffed animal attached, but I had proven myself wrong... thank goodness I am NOT a crazy person. (ok, maybe I am...) but still - I tried to give Lainey a regular old gumdrop/soothie binky the other night and she was not having it! All she wanted her little friend, Wubba.  We have Wubbas stashed in 3 places - downstairs, attached to the car seat and in the crib.  I have even contemplated buying more of them. No, I am not kidding. 
  4. Children's Pandora stations - bed time is glorious at our house.  When 9pm rolls around, everyone starts to get sleepy and a little hungry. A bottle, a good book, and then it's bed time! Every night when Lainey goes to bed, we turn Pandora on her iPod and let it roll.  Some nights it's Disney, others it's Baby Einstein.  The kid loves music and I am totally cool with that.
  5. Combi travel system - I am not one for bulk so I knew early on I did not want a regular travel system.  Those things take up your entire trunk and I don't drive a bus! I need the space I have, dag gonnit! So we opted for the Combi Shuttle system.  LOVE IT! The carrier is easy to lug around and stroller is like an umbrella one on steroids.  All the conveniences of a regular travel system, but with no bulk.
  6. PB Kids Comfort Glider - after a few nights spent in my glider, I knew I had made the right decision.  Never have I ever sat in a more comfortable chair! I'm not sure how comfy it would be to sleep in a chair with wooden arm rests, etc.
  7. Eddie Bauer Travel Bed - I will be the first to admit, I didn't think any one would get this for us at the baby shower.  But low and behold, someone did! I will also be first to admit that I wasn't sure how much use I would actually get out of it either - at one point I remember saying, "Damn1 I should have registered for the shopping cart cover instead!" But I digress... this travel bed has been a godsend! When Hurricane Irene was in town, Lainey and I moved into my aunt's house because that's where the power was, and I used this bed next to me in a "grown up" bed! I didn't want Lainey to get the idea that sleeping in Mom's bed was better than her own so I wanted to make sure she had her boundaries.  Now, yes, I could have taken the pack-n-play, but it's so big and it was only a couple of nights!  Fast forward a couple of months and it's time to head to the beach.  Again - the same argument! Why take the pack-n-play when I have this nifty travel bed?! Plop that sucker in the between Philip and I and it was perfect!
For some reason, I can't get the other pictures to sit where I want them to, sorry about that.  But all of the links should take you where you want... err need.... to go!


Thursday, September 29, 2011

First family vacay

And we're back... probably against our will.

For about the last week, the Venemas have been on our a mini-vacation in the Outer Banks.  Close friends of ours got married down there over the weekend as we decided to take advantage of the opportunity.  

I packed our bags and hit the road! Who would have EVER thought we would need so much stuff?! This will certainly be good practice for next Summer too!

Travel bed? Check! 
Clothes? Check!
Diapers? Check!
Formula? Check!
Bouncy seat? Check!
Wubba? Check!
Boppy? Check!
Baby? Check!! 

We stayed in a bangin' house with some great friends, including the bride and groom!  We were a little hesitant to stay in the "the house"  because we didn't want to damper the party, but who are we kidding?  Even sober with a baby in tow, the Venemas are a good time! Lainey had a great time hanging out with all of her new "uncles" and we enjoyed being with our friends, relaxing, and having a great time.  A lot of the time, it was rainy, but that's okay - the sun made some appearances too!

You didn't think I would leave you without photos, did you?!
I will admit though, we are terrible at the family photos... so you'll have to wait with your fingers crossed that the ONE family photo the photographer took at the wedding comes back to us! 

the Walkers

So happy to be an OBX baby

Sometimes we got dressed

Incredible sunsets on the Sound

 the one missing the beach,

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A love song

This morning on my way into work, I heard a love song on the radio.  Now, I will admit...I sometimes wish I was sappier, a little more romantic if you will. I have my moments, sure, but all in all, 
we are a sap-free home.  

Unless it's about Lainey - then sappy tends to ooze out of my pores 
because I can't think about that little girl and not smile.

Now... this morning was not an unusual drive to work - 
no traffic
no crazy drivers
no rain.
Just a regular drive into the city.

Except for this love song.
I don't even know the name of it.
I barely remember the words.


It gave me goosebumps.
I stopped for a second and thought about my life.
Especially the love in my life.

I realized....
If a love song can make me think of my husband
give me goosebumps...

Then we must be doing something right.

Oh, how I pray you get to feel this love someday, Lainey.
It's amazing.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Newborn photos

Right before I went back to work, Lainey and I had the opportunity to work with my friend, Blair, from Mott Photography to do some newborn photos!

I can not tell you how much we enjoyed this photo shoot! Little Miss Hadley, Blair's daughter, even came to the shoot and kept me company while Blair was taking pictures.  Having Hadley there really made me excited for when Lainey gets big enough to interact and play. I certainly don't want to wish away these moments of Lainey right now, but a Momma can certainly look forward to what is coming our way!!

The few days leading up to the photo shoot, I pinned my little heart out on pinterest looking for some inspirations for the shoot and then tore my house up looking for all of the perfect props! Then, of course, I had to frantically put everything back together so my house was clean enough for company!

 Here are some of the photos from the shoot...

Having Blair at the house also made me miss the time I used to spend behind my camera; I used to say, "I only really see the world through my camera lens."  But in the last couple of years, work, school, wife life, advising alpha gam, and volunteering have consumed my life, all in good ways. And now as a new mommy, it's hard to believe there are enough hours in a day to add anything else, but since I am taking some time off from school and am putting lots of things in to perspective, I think I want, no... NEED... to find some time for myself to be creative again.   All of that being said, I am making a personal resolution to find some time to be more creative. So don't be surprised if you see a little more creative work showing up on here.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lights on in the nursery

Thank you Baby J!! We have electricity again! Now we can stop cooking everything on the grill and ordering take out! Momma's wallet couldn't take it much longer!  And probably Lainey's most happy thought of getting the power back on is that we can start hanging out with NeeNee again!  As some of you may know, I work for a local utility company, and so does my momma!  Well in the wake of the hurricane that stole our electricity, we lost our NeeNee to storm restoration and crazy around-the-clock work hours!! 

We still don't have cable, which means no TV or internet, but at least we can watch movies on a screen bigger than the laptop.

But enough about that... today is the day! The day that you have all been waiting for... a peak into Lainey's nursery!! Yes, yes, I know... this post is a little dated since oh, you know, we've been home for almost 2 months now! But whatevs - we do things on our own schedule, obviously!  I thought about using Instagram to make the photos looks super cool, but then I quickly realized, that wouldn't let ya'll see what the room actually looks like!  I do apologize, the photos are a little grainy, because I took them on my phone.  Maybe someday I will take "real" photos and share those... but for now, you take whatcha can get!

Where Lainey dreams

Where Lainey gets all pretty

Where Lainey snuggles and reads with Mommy

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Venema camping 101

The Venemas can surely be camping folk, right?  Yeah right! Have you met me?! Since Hurricane Irene rocked us over the weekend, and took our power with her on the way out of town.  So we have definitely earned our camping badge this week.

We are on day 4 of being pilgrims. 

In all honesty, it hasn't been so bad. Luckily, we have a generator that is juuuuuust big enough to power the fridge, a fan, and the laptop. What more do we need any way?!  We do a lot of grilling, a lot of laying on the couch watching DVDs, a lot of bouncy seating, and a lot of snuggling. The weather has also been in our favor since the hurricane - not like a normal VA summer heat! It's nice during the day and cool at night. 
Phil's McGyver style pizza making skills.

And to top it all off, this mommy had to return to work with week too! UGH! 
Go Go gadget super balanced awesome career mom!

We are hoping that our power will be restored by the end of the week.  Until then... this how my evenings are looking, and I am totally okay with it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A little behind

Sorry, I am a little behind in my postings... this is my last week of maternity leave and I am trying to enjoy every minute of it!  Not to mention, I am trying to cram all of the things I thought I would get done in the last few weeks into this one!  Oh how I wish I could just be a stay at home momma with baby girl.  But le sigh...momma's gotta pay the bills!
On the news front
Lainey is starting to sleep for longer stretches of time.  Thank you, Baby Jesus!! So far, her maximum has been 5 hours, but the average is closer to 4 these days.  When I weighed her last week, she was 7 pounds-ish.  I say "ish" because I am not sure how accurate me standing on the scale with her and then without her really is; but it gives us a general idea!
As far as sleeping is concerned... 
when she's out - she's out! She even slept through yesterday's earthquake!  Yes, you read that right... earthquake! A 5.8 Magnitude rocked through Virginia and then shook the rest of the East Coast.  I must admit, I didn't know what it was at first.  I thought it was the washing machine being way off-balance. (I had it full of blankets, so it seemed logical.)  Next thing I know, Philip is coming through the front door saying, "Did you feel the earthquake? You ok?? Tim says it was an earthquake!"
Earthquake? What earthquake??
Yesterday we had the pleasure of working with my friend Blair to have Lainey's newborn photos taken... so be on the look out for a post of *gorgeous* portraits! There's a sneak peak on facebook and I couldn't be happier!!
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