Tuesday, April 5, 2011

butterflies and kicks and hiccups - OH MY!

Little lady, you are quite the mover and the shaker these days! My goodness!! 

I had hoped I could hold onto this post until later this week.  It actually wasn't even on the plan for this week, but after last night, I can't keep it as a pocket post.

For the last few of weeks, I have felt baby girl wiggling around.  It sort of felt like nervous butterflies.  Then March Madness started and once the Rams took the court, you went crazy in there! I am sure it's because your dear old mom was going crazy too, but nonetheless, you were dancing with the rest of Richmond.

Then one night, maybe about a week ago, I felt a distinctive kick.  I mentioned it in this week's survey.  It was not a butterfly, but more like a "Hey Mom! Don't go to sleep yet!! Talk to me!" So I did... I made up a story and told you a story before bed.  All of the books were downstairs, and I was not about to go get one when all I wanted to do was go to sleep.

Last night, I said my goodnights to Phil and the dogs and headed up to bed. (I am a go to bed early girl while Phil is a night owl) But for some reason, Phil came upstairs to tell me something and he sat on the bed next to me.  Like usual I said, "Do you wanna see if she will kick for you??"  Reluctantly, he obliged.  He has been convinced Lainey just doesn't like him and that's why she never kicks when he's around.  But guess what!! After just a little bit... SHE KICKED!! And then she kicked again. And each time I would say, "Did you feel it?!" and each time Philip would say "I don't know... maybe??"  But finally... she kicked hard enough for her daddy to feel her! 

Now he says he's waiting for a big kick... one of those kicks where you see it protrude from my belly. Go figure, a little kick wasn't enough. haha

But there was a new feeling of movement this morning... a hiccup! Talk about an awkward feeling!  I kept thinking, "What a weird wiggle you've got going on, Lainey."  But after a couple minutes it stopped.  Then a few minutes later, it started again.  I started doing a little google action and realized what was happening.  HOW COOL!! Although, now that I think of it, I hate the hiccups, so I can imagine they are no bueno for baby girl either.

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