Monday, April 18, 2011

24 Weeks

  1. How far along? 24weeks
  2. Weight gain? 10 pounds. (So much for not gaining ANY weight. I am beginning to think my mom may have embellished her story a little. Nonetheless, 10 pounds is not a lot of weight for coming across the half way point.)
  3. Sleep? I realized this morning that I am not going to sleep sleep... like a deep sleep.  I think it's because without fail, every 2 hours, I wake up to pee.
  4. Best moments this week? I am not sure if it qualifies as a "best" moment, but it's my blog and I will classify moments as I want to!  On Saturday, I looked down and I swear my belly had gotten bigger over night.  That doesn't seem odd, but what was funny, was that my belly was lopsided! It leaned toward the left.  I even had Philip stand above me to make sure I wasn't crazy.  Lainey has found a comfortable spot over there and I feel her kicks (or punches) pretty low in my belly these days.  She's standing straight up or standing on her head!!
  5. Food cravings? Sour candies and McDs!
  6. Food Aversions? I really only stay away from things "the list" says to avoid.  There isn't much that makes me sick to think about.
  7. Looking forward to? Wednesday!  Lainey's crib and dresser will be delivered!
  8. Milestones? Feeling some kicks... or punches... pretty much everyday now.  They are really low in my belly, so it's still tough for Philip to feel most of them.  Another milestone, I guess, is my belly button is starting to getting shallower.  This means things are definitely growing in there!!
  9. Pregnancy thoughts this week: I wish Lainey wouldn't sleep on my bladder. It makes a good night's rest pretty tricky lately.  It's more like I am just taking a few naps at night.  The other thought is... I don't think yelling at my belly is the way to get her highness to kick you.  Although, a lot of people seem to think this is a good way to communicate with her. :-)
Sorry, no belly picture this week.  I haven't had time to take one this morning... and besides, I'm wearing an all black top today... you wouldn't see it as well anyway.

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