Tuesday, February 26, 2013

You may be the parent of a preschooler if...

 Over the weekend, the mini-me and I had some errands to run and a birthday party to attend.  When I got home, I took a minute to think about just how much this little person means to me and how much my life has changed in the last

Phil stood in the kitchen with a giant box of goldfish in his hands and said "Look at all of these toddler snacks!!" And it got me to thinking...

You may be the parent of a preschooler if...

... While you are running errands, you stop at a gas station to fill your car up. Instead of just standing by the pump, you play a rousing game of peek-a-boo through the car window.

... You make your way through Target saying "Yes, that IS Dora... we just can't get away from her, can we?"

... You pass the baby food on your way to diapers and the mini-me in your buggy yells "NACKS!!!" So you stop, rip open a pouch from the shelf, and keep on shopping.

... You look back on your Sam's Club stock pile and see the following in that bulk mountain of yours: juice boxes, animal crackers, goldfish, and nutrigrain bars.

... Your social calendar becomes filled with playdates or birthday parties instead of manicures and lunch dates.

... Instead of singing the latest Top 20 hits in the shower, you sing your ABCs.

... At home dance parties consist of who can do the "Hotdog Dance" better.

... Ice cream for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or dessert is totally acceptable.  After all, it's actually just organic yogurt!

... Labeling everything is part of your daily routine.

... Crying is the normal way to say "Bye, Mom" when you go in for the dreaded daycare drop off.  Oh wait, that may just be us?

It's official - my daughter is playing this momma like a fiddle! I dropped her off with tears streaming down her face, said "Mom's gotta go to work to pay for all your pretty stuff." as she said "But I YOU!!!" I called the school when I got to the office, just like I normally do to make sure she had stopped crying, and the school's director said, "Well, Mrs. Venema - I went in there as soon you left and she wasn't crying anymore."

Happy Tuesday, ya'll! 
You survived another case of the Mondays! 


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