Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Never goes as planned

When I last checked in, we were entering Day 3 of school.... how did Day 3 go, you ask? OH! I couldn't tell you... because by 9am, I was called to pick up my SICK CHILD!!

Damn you, daycare germs!

I knew germs were to be  expected, but really? 
On the third day of school!?

This stomach bug is no joke either! And just when you think you're on the up-swing, it throws a curve ball! Right around the 22 hour mark... oh, you know, that magic number when you're considered "okay" for school or public activity. But Sunday, was by far, the peak if this hellacious "bug."

Longest. Stomach. Bug. Everrrr!

I am one exhausted momma and need some healthy vibes sent me way.  That, and oh yeah, some sleep!  Right now, I am functioning on a caffeine dependency like no other!

Fingers crossed, this is the last day Little Miss has to miss school! 


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