Monday, May 2, 2011

26 weeks!

  1. How far along? 26weeks
  2. Weight gain? Holding strong at 10 pounds
  3. Sleep? Same prognosis as last week... these allergies are killing my sleep!!
  4. Best moments this week? My best moments are all the kicks this little girl is giving me!! I feel her throughout the day and it's a fun and heart warming reminder that she's my baby girl and I'm gonna be her momma.
  5. Food cravings? Sausage and egg biscuit anyone??
  6. Food Aversions? Nothing crazy... I am just hoping with all these yummy fruits coming into season that I still like the taste of them.
  7. Looking forward to? Starting a new book with Lainey.  I think I mentioned it before, but if not, I will tell you.  My friend Blair has been reading Peter Pan with her baby girl, Hadley.  And while Hadley is still too little to understand the story, I know she enjoys the sound of her mother's voice.  So I have decided that Lainey and I are going to start reading The Little Prince one chapter at a time.
  8. Milestones? I made it all day Saturday without complaining of being tired while on my shopping extravaganza.  Now, this may sound petty you all, but to me, it's big! I am the girl who is worn out by the littlest things these days... so to be able to make it ALL day - walking around and carrying on - is great to me!  I will admit, however, that body hated me once I got home! ha!! I got home, fed the dogs, and sat on the couch... where I stayed most of the night.  My back was wore out and in pain, but it was nothing a little sleep and rest couldn't fix.
  9. Pregnancy thoughts this week: I am pretty sure this belly gets bigger every day; I have said that before. But I am almost positive that baby girl had a growth spurt over night and that my belly is MUCH bigger today than it was yesterday!!

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