Monday, March 28, 2011

21 weeks

  1. How far along? 21weeks
  2. Weight gain? Back to our steady 5 pounds... the belly gets bigger, but the rest of me is getting smaller.
  3. Sleep? Sleep is my friend.
  4. Best moments this week? VCU making it to the FINAL FOUR!!! So, again this is not a pregnancy moment this week, but whatevs. It's a BIG DEAL!!!
  5. Food cravings? Nope. That's probably why I am not gaining weight.  I am still just eating normal food at a normal rate.
  6. Food Aversions? Just my usual picky self
  7. Looking forward to? Emptying the nursery... again.  Apparently, we are not good at keeping a room empty.  Although, in my defense, all the stuff in there is baby stuff!  I just need to get in there and start organizing stuff, especially in her closet!
  8. Milestones? We ordered nursery furniture!  It should be here in about 6 weeks.  As pieces start to arrive, I will let you know.  Next thing to do is paint the room before all the furniture gets here.
  9. Pregnancy thoughts this week: I am probably going to sound awful, but it's my blog, so it's ok.  I am not Buddha... please don't keep rubbing my belly.  I understand you are incredibly excited, and I will admit that I was a belly rubber when my friends were pregnant.  And for some of you (ok, really most of you reading), it's okay that you rub my belly... but sometimes I just wish people wouldn't make such a huge deal over this pregnancy.  Don't get me wrong, I am glad and thankful that so many people are happy for us, but sometimes I just want to enjoy it myself and in my own way.  I can't keep this huge smile on my face 24/7. This pregnancy is making my personality a little different than normal... perhaps it's hormones.  But I usually don't mind being the center of attention, but for some reason, this time, I really want this special event to be the most exciting thing Philip and I have done yet.  God is blessing us with a healthy pregnancy thus far and I really want us to enjoy the ride.  So really, what I am trying to say is... don't be offended if I am not as chipper as usual - I am probably tired, usually hungry, and more than likely wishing you would get your hand off my belly. 
No belly picture this week.  Mainly because I may be wearing the same outfit I was wearing last Monday.  Don't judge. What can I say?  I am sports superstitious and if I wore this after last Sunday's awesome win, then I better wear it after yesterday's too!

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