Monday, August 5, 2013

Potty Training: Prep

About one week ago, Lainey came up to me and this conversation occurred:
Lainey - I go to potty?
Me - Do you need to go?
Lainey - Yes, momma!
Me - Do you want to go in the potty?
Lainey - YES! 

And so she did.
And the rest is history...

Just kidding!! That was just the beginning!!

After the song and dance of praising a big girl, we headed to Target to officially start the potty training adventure.

Potty Training Shopping List
1. Potty seats for all of the bathrooms - We chose the Prince Lionheart WeePod Basix - They only had gray and blue; so I got gray for the downstairs bathroom, which has gray walls, and blue for the others.

2. 3M hooks to hang them all on next to toilets - Lainey got to pick the one for her bathroom while the other two bathrooms got plain hooks.

3. Pull Ups - I have also purchased some cloth training undies because these are a little big on Lainey. But she seems to grasp the concept of not peeing on Minnie or Cinderella, so I am going to stick with these for a little while.

4. Potty prizes - stickers, little candies, a monster truck and a couple of small puzzles - I haven't made an official jar or anything yet, although I do like this...but I have another idea.

I had one of these Thirty-One room organizers sitting in a closet, and decided to use it for the "potty center."  I am going to clip a laminated potty chart to it and use the pockets to hold some extra pull ups, wipes, and some of the prizes/stickers.

Some of you may know, I am not a huge fan of characters -- I don't particularly like them on clothes, bedding, or anything really. (Yes, I almost cringed at the Hello Kitty hook, but she liked it and it made her even more excited... pick your battles, folks.) So I took it as a personal mission to find a non-cheesy potty chart! It took some scouring on pinterest, but I found one! You can download it, here, if you want to use it in your home.  It's customizable so you can put your child's name on it.

So far, she's doing pretty well! I try to ask her every hour or so and she almost always goes when I take her.  And she's starting to ask to go! At school, I am sure it is trickier for her teachers since they have a dozen children.  But I am overly pleased and impressed that they are at least taking her so she can try.  

Tip: Adjust the water pressure in the faucet you think your child will use the most often.  Since Lainey insists on washing her hands by herself, we turned the maximum water pressure down in the sink she usually uses so that it doesn't create a giant mess or anything.

For now, no horror stories of potty training at {the nuthouse} - I probably just jinxed myself, didn't I?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow,,great tips!
Adding to your ideas, it worked very well on my child to show him a potty training app called potty training learning with the not only motivated him, but also made him keep trying until he achieved it!

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