Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Welcome to {2013}

Coming off of a wonderful vacation... You would think while on vacation, one would post more often.  However, my vacation was the opposite. 

I spent every morning sleeping in and snuggling with Lainey and pretty much did whatever she and I wanted to do.  Over the last week and a half, Miss Priss and I enjoyed Christmas with our families, spent a couple gloomy days in PJs, had brunch with Santa, and spent one day shopping with NeeNee and the gang.  

Then we rounded out the vacation by taking advantage of Daddy's long weekend.  We spent a couple days of cleaning and organizing. Side note: I hate that when you do these big cleans, the house looks messier than when you started until it's all done! 

OH! And we also converted Lainey's bed into a toddler bed... now if only I could bribe her into sleeping in it!! 

Here's the photo recap of our holiday vacay!

Second year in a row with this special Santa

What a difference 12 months makes!

Sorry the spacing is off on these photos, I am beyond frustrated with fighting with them!

I hope your holidays were filled with lots of love and laughter.  We are looking forward to seeing what 2013 has in store for {the nuthouse}


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