Thursday, May 3, 2012

Drooling infant to Teething toddler... all in the same week?

I have known for a little while now that Lainey has been teething... 

I mean, she is a living, breathing faucet of drool.  But it always seemed that as soon as the thought crossed my mind, it quickly left as she never had any other "symptoms."  At the same time, she has been a roller for months. She has found every piece of dust, dog hair, and dirt my floors have to offer - it's always stuck to her. The best is when it's stuck her drool-covered chin.  (Perhaps, I should vacuum more often - don't judge me.)

Lately, she has been figuring out how to get on all fours.... and then flop right back to her tummy and roll to where ever she was trying to go.

Within 24 hours this past weekend, Lainey went from rolling drool monster to full-on tooth in mouth crawling TODDLER!
Holy milestones, Batman!

While this is VERY exciting... for the love of everything in this world, I can't wait until this tooth finally pops completely through her little gums.  Now, I have heard some horror stories of teeth coming in and so far, we are not in the midst of a horror store, but I am one very exhausted lady these days!  It hasn't caused any ear infections or really even a fever.  But it is certainly screwing with my baby's sleep!! Which in return means it is screwing with MY sleep!

Let's look at the glass half-full.... 

Did you hear?! 
We have a tooth!!! 
AND we are crawling!!! 

Baby girl is growing up crazy fast and it seems like in the last 2 weeks she has gone from little baby to big girl... dare I even say, this change may have happened over night?!  Go go gadget big girl!

Over the weekend, Phil and I weighed Lainey... she weighed in at a whopping 15 pounds! That is nearly FIVE TIMES her birth weight. Insane.  While, I know... she is still a tiny lil' thang, the point, she is growing like a weed and always developing.  

It is the absolutely coolest feeling in the world to watch her engage in activities and learn something new - every single day, it seems.  

She is becoming a person, 
with her own personality, 
her own laugh, 
her own quarks.

This photo may be the exact opposite of our lives right now... 
one can still hope, right?


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