Thursday, April 26, 2012

Living in your house

Currently, if you came to visit my house, I would be appalled to have you come in the front door.  But I would happily welcome you! 

I may even start keeping a basket of blinders by the front door for guests to put on and wear as I escort them into the common area.  But of course, that family living room has a rubber play mat in the center of it and is littered with toys. Toys that squeak - toys that rattle - toys that roll - toys that light up and dance.

Toys that hurt like hell if you step on them. Toys. Toys. Toys.

My studio has a hodge podge of baby gear and art supplies strewn across it and my dining room has a table partially covered with mail.

My kitchen has a smelly dog sleeping in the middle of it and a Bumbo seat + tray sitting on the counter patiently awaiting a tiny hiney to fill it for dinner.

Yep. That's my house.... nay, that's my home.


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