Monday, April 16, 2012

Beach Baby

Impromptu spring break vacation? Yes, please!! NeeNee got a cottage in Corolla last week and we just couldn't resist the road trip fever.  So Biggie and I loaded up the kiddos and hit the road, sans dads! The weather was nice, very spring-like -- some random heat and chilly winds!  But cold temps don't bother us...when you get to see the sunrise at the beach, any day is a good day.

Lainey did great! I didn't expect any less from her.  

She wasn't sure what to think of the sand and may have tried to eat a sand-covered shovel, but that's okay! She didn't scream or cry so I'd call the sandy adventure a success!

She had a ball "swimming" in the giant tub!   The pool was closed and even if it had been opened, it was too chilly to swim. So who needs a pool when you've got a giant bath tub? Not this girl! *(Looks like we are graduating from a bath seat sooner than I expected!)

But I will say... sleeping in the pack-n-play is not her friend.  Every night, she woke up uncomfortable and every night, I gave in and let her sleep in my bed - which consequently got turned into a pillow fort so that my little wiggle worm wouldn't fall off the bed! But hooray! She slept in her crib all night with no problems once we got home! Looks like I didn't rock the routine too much!! I was nervous that I was creating the world's worst habit with this vacation...woohoo!

All in all, it was a wonderful trip. 
It was nice to just get a way for a little bit, for sure.


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