Friday, July 20, 2012

For the next 24 hours...

I will be shamelessly nostalgic and borderline in tears...

You see, 365 days ago, Philip and I were packing our bags getting ready for a sleepover at the hospital! 

Remember, before Lainey could be discharged, there were several things she/we had to accomplish:
  1. Eat by herself
  2. Weight 4 pounds 
  3. Take CPR class
  4. Pass a carseat test
  5. The big sleepover - a night with just us - no monitors - no nursers - just us being parents - what?!
One by one we had checked things off our list. 
Celebrated each pound and each milliliter of breastmilk.
Sat through the CPR class - practiced on the doll. 
Rejoiced at the thought of her needing a car seat.

Then it came  - the call - "Hey Mrs. Venema, how do you feel about sleeping in tonight?" My response (in my high-pitched excited voice) "WHAT?! ALREADY?!? You betcha! We'll be there soon!!"

So we packed a bag, made sure the carseat base was installed and ready and looked at each other like kids on Christmas Even.  This was IT - by the same time the next day, we would be at home as a family of three. 

I can actually remember more of that night than I thought I would. I remember setting my alarm to pump milk and feed her, I remember watching countless hours of "Dance Moms" because I was just too excited to sleep. (Well, that, and those hospital beds aren't very comfy.)  Every once in a while a nurse would pop in "just to check" on us and there were a few farewell visits from our night shift NICU nurses angels.

It was hard to believe it when Lainey turned one, but I must admit, it is even harder to believe that this beautiful peanut has been filling our home with smiles and giggles for a year now. 

A day, that at some moments, we thought would never get here has come and gone and is now just another milestone.

Cheers to so many more milestones with 
this preemie princess!  

1 comment:

Caiti Garter said...

Oh my goodness, I am sobbing!!!! I can not believe how far she has come and how strong of a little girl she is already!

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