Wednesday, June 20, 2012

One Year Old

Photo by: Pyle Photography

Dear Lainey, 
It is absolutely bananas (queue The Fresh Beats) to think about how far you have come in the last 12 months. To quote your pediatrician, "this has been a phenomenal year for you."  Boy, is he right!

You have grown from a teeny, tiny, preemie princess into an inquisitive, giggly, toddler. Starting out at just under 3 pounds when you were born, you are now right at 16 pounds.  Now, to most, 16 pounds is not that big - and they are correct. But to compare your birth size to your size now, it is a HUGE accomplishment! 

Here's what you like these days:
- blueberries
- apples
- chicken nuggets (including my toddler trickery of veggie nuggets!)
- puffs of all flavors
- peas
- squash
- swimming and splashing
- climbing on stuff
- the fresh beat band
- chasing Nana around her house in your walker
- "your" iPad
- monster trucks

Here's what you do not like:
- being fed (you insist on feeding yourself!)
- getting dressed
- laying down for a diaper change
- teething

What are you saying:
- Momma
- Daddy
- NeeNee
- Dee Dee
- Nana
- dog
- buck

What are you are doing:
- crawling
- standing
- couch surfing
- giggling
- talking
- clapping
- dancing
- open mouth kisses (guhrossssss)

You are still on the low side of that silly growth chart. But hey, you are healthy and you are growing! You are learning new stuff all the time and it's incredible to see you change.  You have an uncanny need to touch everything around you... are you a texture girl? Or are you OCD, perhaps? Either way, you probably get those tendencies from your madre.  

Everything is so new to you and it's all such a breath of fresh air in my life.

I love you, baby errr... big girl!

Love always,

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