Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Surviving Thanksgiving and the plague

My friend, Blair, recently posted this question in her blog:

"How does the rest of the non-childrearing world celebrate Thanksgiving without sick kids?"

Oh, how I wish I could answer that.  But the truth is... I do not know! I have no idea!!

The cold of all colds struck our house and it is still lingering! It just won't let go!! Lainey got sent home from school last Tuesday with a fever. I am not one to race to the doctor so I said, "Let it ride..." but as the day went on, she did not perk up at all.  Under normal circumstances, I probably would have kept letting it ride, but I was afraid of winning the award for "most considerate dinner guest" and showing up with a flu-ridden child.  So I sent her to the doctor with my mom on Wednesday.  Just to be safe.  I am totally ok with telling a family member, "Sorry, she's cranky. She has a nasty cold."  I couldn't in good faith show up and say, "Happy Thanksgiving! Lainey brought you all a present... it's the flu!!"

Diagnosis: Nasty cold

Prescription: Benadryl and Tylenol (aka let it ride)

Well lucky for us, Lainey is on a medicinal boycott! How fantastic and well-timed!! Doesn't matter what I offered as bribery, she wants absolutely nothing to do with medicine.  And the few times I got medicine in her mouth, she just spit it back out. Lovely!

After 2 days of holiday fun, I put Little Miss on lock down - house arrest - quarantine. Whatever you want to call it, she wasn't going out.  My goal was for her to sleep this plague away.

But this medicinal boycott is new at our house.  Usually, Lainey takes her cough medicine or Benadryl and Tylenol like a champ.  But I kid you not, her antics could have been a commercial - they were that over the top.  I mean, hiding under the bed, screaming, spitting... you name it, she tried it to avoid taking her medicine.

So, what's a mom to do? 

Oh, you know... hold her down and force it, right? Nope - that didn't work either.

This took some real motherly work.

I took to google, of course. 

Here's what I came up with...

Benadryl is what the pediatrician usually tells me to give her to dry up the ick and then Tylenol for the fever, if there is one.

Thanks be to God - Benadryl makes a dissolving chewable magic "candy."  Yes, I told her it was candy. Don't judge me.

I also found a sample in the medicine cabinet of a honey-based all natural cough medicine called Zarbee's.  Got my girl to drink honey.

Never call either of these wonders medicine.  You will ruin the trick.  Just tell your toddler, "Ok. It's time to eat candy and drink honey!!"  Who in their right mind can say "No" to that?! 

Even amidst the screaming, the fevers, the stress, we must still take time to be thankful.

I am thankful for lots of things this year, but I am especially thankful for these ladies.  I'd be lost without the next generation of Clowers girls.  I know we make our Papa proud every day and he would have loved this picture.

Hope all of ya'll enjoyed your Thanksgiving and that you are keeping well!


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