Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lainey's first week

Its been just over a week since Lainey made her grand debut and she is doing great!  Every day is a step in the right direction.  But yesterday?  Yesterday was a LEAP in the right direction!!

We have hit a couple of milestones since our last update:
  1. We are starting to give Lainey a binky and she is actually sucking on it!  This is great because it means her sucking reflexes are starting to work.
  2. Our food in take gets bumped one cc every 9 hours now!  Last night when we left the hospital, Lainey was up to 15cc - that's half an ounce!!
  3. Her residuals (the breastmilk left her in her belly after a feeding) have consistently been ZERO! This means she is absorbing all of her feedings!
  4. Lainey is starting to poop on her own.  Now this may be TMI for some of you, but this is a big deal to her daddy! And it's a huge milestone for her little tummy!!
  5. The biggest milestone of all?  LAINEY HAS SURPASSED HER BIRTH WEIGHT!! After dropping down to 2 pounds 11 ounces, she is now 2 pounds 14 ounces! Way to go, big girl!!
Lainey was also moved from her original isolette "apartment" to a new, fancy one!  She has moved on up to a condo! Her new giraffe bed makes it easier for the nurses to interact with Lainey and they are able to weigh her everyday without taking her out of the isolette. 

She is such a happy and alert baby.  Whenever we visit, she just looks up at us and smiles.  If she isn't sleeping, she is smiling.  The nurses always talk about what a good baby she is and how much they enjoy her. 

Every day, we go and visit her.  We read books and play pandora radio in her condo.  The other day I said, "I love you" and she looked right back at me and smiled.


Anonymous said...

So glad to finally see a pic of miss Layne .. she is so precious .. happy to see such great improvements too .. sending you both my love

TheCimburkeFam said...

she is such a precious little miracle and I am so happy to know she is progressing. I am very proud of mommy and daddy for their strength! hang in there guys, it will all be a memory before long! love yall
Ashley Cimburke

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