Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Dinner Debate: Ruby and Max

Auntie M, Gilby and Nandon are finally here.  They completed their trek halfway across the country and made it all in one piece. 

Since their arrival, it has been a little hard to get together - understandably so.  Lainey and I went on Spring Break. They are unpacking, job hunting, and searching for a routine to get into! 

But our two families are making a point to get together once a week -- at least!  Right now, we do dinner every week with Biggie and her fam, and I love being able to hang out with our friends on a week night! And I love the idea of adding another "family dinner night" to the mix! {Welcome to the club, Paiz clan!}

Last night at family dinner, this conversation happened:

M: So, do you guys watch some show about bunnies? Where the older sister is really bossy?
P: Oh, you mean the one with the dumb bunny?!
L: Guys, it's called Ruby and Max
M: YES!! That's it!
P: Whatever - that bunny is still not smart.
G: <laughs from across the table>
M: UGH! That show urks me! Why is she so bossy and trying to hold back her brother?!
P: Really, though.  Why is her bunny scout troop thing ALWAYS doing something? She is forever trying to get some kind of badge!
L: My question is... WHERE ARE THEIR PARENTS?!
M: Well Grandma Bunny comes over alot and brings her creep bunny friends...
L: That still does not answer the question at hand...
G: <still laughing from across the table>
L: Is this really what we are discussing at family dinner?

No, I couldn't make this up if I tried... this is pretty accurate transcript of our conversation. 

Happy Wednesday, Folks!


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