- How far along? 28 week... what's up, third trimester?
- Weight gain? When I weighed myself over the weekend, it was 13 pounds.
- Sleep? Sleeping at night it becoming harder, but napping is never hard for me.
- Best moments this week? Well I am a day late on this week's survey because I was hoping to have a big moment to share this week. But nevertheless, Lainey is her a momma's child and decided yesterday during the ultrasound appointment would be the perfect time to be a brat and not show herself AT ALL in the 3d/4d ultrasound. Yep, that's right - not at all. I got to see the back of her head, a rib, and a heartbeat. Yes... the heart beating was cool to see, but really, Lainey! You couldn't let me and daddy see who you are starting to look like?!
- Food cravings? I am a breakfast food junkie
- Food aversions? Spicy foods...they give me some crazy heartburn these days
- Looking forward to? I suppose the next thing we are going to start looking forward to is the rest of the nursery furniture finally arriving. PBKids notified us that the chair and ottoman are delayed until the end of the month, so it will likely be June before it gets here. We can also start counting down to are second attempt at the 3d/4d ultrasound. ha!
- Milestones? We have made it to the third trimester! Holy shit where has the time gone?!
- Pregnancy thoughts this week: I think nesting is starting to settle in, which is going to drive my husband cuh-razy! I feel overwhelmed with it though because I don't know where to put stuff as I "clean." I am seriously considering bringing in a cleaning lady the week or so before Lainey is due just so I don't have to deal with it all!
The Day Before the World Stopped
1 day ago
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