- How far along? 27weeks
- Weight gain? I forgot to weigh in this morning...
- Sleep? Sleep is a hit or miss it seems lately. Some nights I can get some awesome sleep and others, I get up every hour or 2 and just can't get comfy.
- Best moments this week? I have 2 special moments this week... okay, maybe 3!
My wonderful acorn sent me flowers for mother's day! Well... let's be real... she didn't send them, but someone put her name on the card, that's for sure! Big thanks to Aunti M and Gilby for helping Lainey be a sneaky squirrel.
When I was laying on the bed, Philip laid his head on my belly and jokingly said "I don't hear her." I laughed and said, "She can hear you now though, so you should talk to her." Instead of talking to her, he began to hum songs to her. She went crazy! She started kicking and wiggling all over the place. She must love (or hate) the sound of the humming music coming from her daddy. For now, however, we are going to say she loves it!
And finally... Philip asked me a question about my glucose test from Friday and I was having a hard time to explaining it. Soooo I looked at him and said, "You know what? Read this." And handed him What to Expect and opened it to the glucose test section. I love that he wants to know and understand everything that is going on. - Food cravings? Sour candy is starting to make a come back...
- Food Aversions? No, not really. I get full a lot quicker now, I guess with Lainey taking up more room in there. So I may avoid eating some stuff all together, but not because it makes me sick - I just don't have room for it!
- Looking forward to? Our 3d/4d ultrasound! It's scheduled for next week and I can't wait to see what baby girl is starting to look like!
- Milestones? Tonight we start birthing/lamaze classes at the doctor's office. I am really not sure if these are necessary or helpful, but we will see. In the least, it will be nice to get a different perspective on what's coming.
- Pregnancy thoughts this week: I am starting to feel pressure to get organized and start making some real decisions, which is quite overwhelming. My to do list is getting bigger right along side my belly. I contact HR today about my medical/maternity leave and have already had to reply two more times with extra questions! Just seems like a lot and there's no guide to tell me what needs to be done first!
The Day Before the World Stopped
1 day ago
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