- How far along? 26weeks
- Weight gain? Holding strong at 10 pounds
- Sleep? Same prognosis as last week... these allergies are killing my sleep!!
- Best moments this week? My best moments are all the kicks this little girl is giving me!! I feel her throughout the day and it's a fun and heart warming reminder that she's my baby girl and I'm gonna be her momma.
- Food cravings? Sausage and egg biscuit anyone??
- Food Aversions? Nothing crazy... I am just hoping with all these yummy fruits coming into season that I still like the taste of them.
- Looking forward to? Starting a new book with Lainey. I think I mentioned it before, but if not, I will tell you. My friend Blair has been reading Peter Pan with her baby girl, Hadley. And while Hadley is still too little to understand the story, I know she enjoys the sound of her mother's voice. So I have decided that Lainey and I are going to start reading The Little Prince one chapter at a time.
- Milestones? I made it all day Saturday without complaining of being tired while on my shopping extravaganza. Now, this may sound petty you all, but to me, it's big! I am the girl who is worn out by the littlest things these days... so to be able to make it ALL day - walking around and carrying on - is great to me! I will admit, however, that body hated me once I got home! ha!! I got home, fed the dogs, and sat on the couch... where I stayed most of the night. My back was wore out and in pain, but it was nothing a little sleep and rest couldn't fix.
- Pregnancy thoughts this week: I am pretty sure this belly gets bigger every day; I have said that before. But I am almost positive that baby girl had a growth spurt over night and that my belly is MUCH bigger today than it was yesterday!!
The Day Before the World Stopped
1 day ago
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