I sat in the parking lot for a couple of minutes and had a pitty party as I thought about how much this little one is growing up. But then I reminded myself of how much fun this adventure is going to be and turned up the radio in my car and had a dance party all the way to work. (I mean, who can feel bad when Dave Matthews is on? Not this girl.)
I called a couple times during the day to check in and the only "issue" we encountered yesterday was nap time. You see, this princess has always taken naps with her Nana so nap time on a cot was just not gonna happen for her. Luckily, Lainey's teacher was kind enough to hold her for the entire 2 hours of nap time. Lord, bless this woman! I knew when she said "I am just sitting here rocking her." that we had chosen the right place for our little girl.
Best feeling of the day? Operation: Pick Up!! When I walked in that room and she got so excited and ran up to me, my heart melted.
Operation: Drop Off (Day 2) was a little more rough. Yesterday, I didn't actually see the tears start. Today, on the other hand, I had to close the classroom door one little girl sitting at the breakfast table with her pouty face on in full effect. And I closed the door, it was the precise moment her little tears started. UGH!! Come on, girly!!! Don't do that to me!! But the "drop and run" method is on and there's no looking back! Who are we kidding, it's not even 8:30 and I have already called to check -- all clear! Pancakes seemed to remedy the situation and now it's on to play time!
So, it looks like we are going to pull through just fine as we adjust to this big change.
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