Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is one of my favorite days of the year! 

Why you ask?
Because I am a total sap?  Nope!
Because I love conversation hearts? No.
Because it's the day I got engaged? Yes, that happened but it isn't why it's my favorite day!
Because I enjoy making valentines for little kids? Well, yes, I did have fun with that this year!

But it's because...
It's my birthday!!

No big plans at {the nuthouse} for neither my birthday nor Valentine's Day.  Funny, how things like that change when you have kids.  In years past, my birthday was an entire week that ended with a drunken mess of a "Birthday Party Day."  
Not anymore, though!
Now, I just want some yummy take out food and a solid night of sleep without teething and night terrors!

What are ya'll doing for Valentine's Day?  
Romantic evening for two??

And a big, huge thank you to our friend, Carly Reed of Carly Reed Designs who made these wonderful valentines for Lainey to give to her friends at school today!


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