Tuesday, February 26, 2013

You may be the parent of a preschooler if...

 Over the weekend, the mini-me and I had some errands to run and a birthday party to attend.  When I got home, I took a minute to think about just how much this little person means to me and how much my life has changed in the last

Phil stood in the kitchen with a giant box of goldfish in his hands and said "Look at all of these toddler snacks!!" And it got me to thinking...

You may be the parent of a preschooler if...

... While you are running errands, you stop at a gas station to fill your car up. Instead of just standing by the pump, you play a rousing game of peek-a-boo through the car window.

... You make your way through Target saying "Yes, that IS Dora... we just can't get away from her, can we?"

... You pass the baby food on your way to diapers and the mini-me in your buggy yells "NACKS!!!" So you stop, rip open a pouch from the shelf, and keep on shopping.

... You look back on your Sam's Club stock pile and see the following in that bulk mountain of yours: juice boxes, animal crackers, goldfish, and nutrigrain bars.

... Your social calendar becomes filled with playdates or birthday parties instead of manicures and lunch dates.

... Instead of singing the latest Top 20 hits in the shower, you sing your ABCs.

... At home dance parties consist of who can do the "Hotdog Dance" better.

... Ice cream for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or dessert is totally acceptable.  After all, it's actually just organic yogurt!

... Labeling everything is part of your daily routine.

... Crying is the normal way to say "Bye, Mom" when you go in for the dreaded daycare drop off.  Oh wait, that may just be us?

It's official - my daughter is playing this momma like a fiddle! I dropped her off with tears streaming down her face, said "Mom's gotta go to work to pay for all your pretty stuff." as she said "But I YOU!!!" I called the school when I got to the office, just like I normally do to make sure she had stopped crying, and the school's director said, "Well, Mrs. Venema - I went in there as soon you left and she wasn't crying anymore."

Happy Tuesday, ya'll! 
You survived another case of the Mondays! 


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Quick dinner!

Last night was weekly family dinner with our partners in crime, the Snelsons (aka my biggie and her kiddo)

We alternate whose house we eat at each week and last night was our turn.

Now, you may be asking yourself, "Well what did Phil cook? Because we all know...Linda doesn't really cook."

Well aren't ya'll funny? Just because I don't like to cook doesn't mean I can't find a recipe and follow it! 

Having two kids under 5 at dinner can sometimes be a task, but more times than not, Lainey and Jameson are both decent eaters.  Wanting to be a little fun and still fix something super easy, I went to pinterest, of course!

Started salivating at the thought of these yummies and then did a happy dance at how incredibly easy they were to fix!

Crescent Pizza Rolls


2 cans of crescent rolls
1 package of pepperoni
1 package of string cheese

To do:
Roll out the rolls
Layer one half of the triangle with pepperonis
Place half a cheese stick on there
Roll them up
Fold the ends a little bit so the cheesy goodness doesn't ooze out too much
Bake according the package on the rolls

Serve with some marinara/pizza sauce

I also fixed a big salad for the grown ups to eat with our pizza rolls.  Kiddos enjoyed peaches with theirs.

Ridiculously easy! So easy, in fact, I fixed most of them with a tired/cranky toddler on my hip!

This is definitely a do-over on my easy dinner list!  You could even change it up and fill these bad boys with other stuff too -- like ham and cheese!

What are some of your quick and easy go-to recipes??


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

When did my toddler become a big kid?

Yesterday, I walked into Lainey's classroom and her teacher's face lit up with excitement.  No, not because I was there to take an awful child home for the day.... 

She got excited for my child.  She said, "Ms. Venema -- Lainey had a GREAT day! The BEST day yet!!" She went on to tell me how great Lainey was adapting to school and how involved she was becoming with her new friends.  

Just as she started to say, "And she's even acting great when other parents come in and out of the room!..." a dad leaving with is daughter opened the door back up and said "You're Lainey's mom? I gotta tell you she has grown up SO MUCH in the last 2 weeks! It's amazing to see how much she is enjoying the school and how she has gone from staying close to the teacher to just sitting with kids on her own!!"

I can not tell you how excited this makes me!  It makes me excited to know that Lainey has teachers that care about her and are helping her learn and grow.  But it also makes me excited that Lainey is really getting into the swing of things and enjoying school.

But when did my toddler become such a big girl?!


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is one of my favorite days of the year! 

Why you ask?
Because I am a total sap?  Nope!
Because I love conversation hearts? No.
Because it's the day I got engaged? Yes, that happened but it isn't why it's my favorite day!
Because I enjoy making valentines for little kids? Well, yes, I did have fun with that this year!

But it's because...
It's my birthday!!

No big plans at {the nuthouse} for neither my birthday nor Valentine's Day.  Funny, how things like that change when you have kids.  In years past, my birthday was an entire week that ended with a drunken mess of a "Birthday Party Day."  
Not anymore, though!
Now, I just want some yummy take out food and a solid night of sleep without teething and night terrors!

What are ya'll doing for Valentine's Day?  
Romantic evening for two??

And a big, huge thank you to our friend, Carly Reed of Carly Reed Designs who made these wonderful valentines for Lainey to give to her friends at school today!


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Never goes as planned

When I last checked in, we were entering Day 3 of school.... how did Day 3 go, you ask? OH! I couldn't tell you... because by 9am, I was called to pick up my SICK CHILD!!

Damn you, daycare germs!

I knew germs were to be  expected, but really? 
On the third day of school!?

This stomach bug is no joke either! And just when you think you're on the up-swing, it throws a curve ball! Right around the 22 hour mark... oh, you know, that magic number when you're considered "okay" for school or public activity. But Sunday, was by far, the peak if this hellacious "bug."

Longest. Stomach. Bug. Everrrr!

I am one exhausted momma and need some healthy vibes sent me way.  That, and oh yeah, some sleep!  Right now, I am functioning on a caffeine dependency like no other!

Fingers crossed, this is the last day Little Miss has to miss school! 


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Operation: Drop Off

Operation: Drop Off (Day 1) was a success.  Made in and out of that school within 10 minutes!  As much as I wanted to hang around "just to make sure" she was ok, I knew she was and I knew hanging around would make it even worse for both of us! 

I sat in the parking lot for a couple of minutes and had a pitty party as I thought about how much this little one is growing up. But then I reminded myself of how much fun this adventure is going to be and turned up the radio in my car and had a dance party all the way to work.  (I mean, who can feel bad when Dave Matthews is on? Not this girl.)

I called a couple times during the day to check in and the only "issue" we encountered yesterday was nap time.  You see, this princess has always taken naps with her Nana so nap time on a cot was just not gonna happen for her.  Luckily, Lainey's teacher was kind enough to hold her for the entire 2 hours of nap time.  Lord, bless this woman! I knew when she said "I am just sitting here rocking her." that we had chosen the right place for our little girl. 

Best feeling of the day? Operation: Pick Up!! When I walked in that room and she got so excited and ran up to me, my heart melted. 

Operation: Drop Off (Day 2) was a little more rough.  Yesterday, I didn't actually see the tears start.  Today, on the other hand, I had to close the classroom door one little girl sitting at the breakfast table with her pouty face on in full effect.  And I closed the door, it was the precise moment her little tears started.  UGH!! Come on, girly!!! Don't do that to me!! But the "drop and run" method is on and there's no looking back!  Who are we kidding, it's not even 8:30 and I have already called to check -- all clear! Pancakes seemed to remedy the situation and now it's on to play time! 

So, it looks like we are going to pull through just fine as we adjust to this big change. 


Monday, February 4, 2013

Welcome to February, folks!

the month of my favorite lady's birthday (aka mi madre!)
the month of my own birthday
the month of love
the month where everyone gets the itch that spring is coming soon
the month Lainey starts school

So, tomorrow... tomorrow is the big day. The day Lainey starts school! Oh my goodness!!! Are we ready?! One can only hope so! 

First day of school outfit? Check!
Brand new backpack?  Ordered, but it was on back order... oops!
Closed-toe shoes? Check!
First day photo prop? Finishing it tonight!
Extra snack? Check!
Diapers? Check!
Wipes? Check!
Change of clothes? Check!
Labels on everything? To do tonight
Paperwork turned in? Check!

Ok.... I think we are ready.  We have read books about school, watched Caillou go to school (and every other cartoon character we know, for that matter) and we talked up school as much as we can.

But Lord only knows how tomorrow will actually go down.  

I already know she is going to have a melt down and that I am going to have to walk away from the cute little hands in the air saying, "I got you." 

I have already blocked half the day from my calendar at work as I know I will sit in the parking lot of the school for a solid 30 minutes with tears running down my face questioning all of this!  And I maaaaaaay have already added the school's number to my Favorites so I can call and check on her without googling the school every time.

I am so excited for this new adventure for Lainey.  I know the first little bit is going to be hard for all of us, but she will adjust and it will become fun and educational for her. 


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