- How far along? 31 weeks
- Weight gain? 18 pounds
- Sleep? It's hit or miss these days with sleeping at night. Some nights I can get super comfy and sleep the whole time, while others it's just a losing battle.
- Best moments this week? It's a double-edge sword of a moment this week. Again we went for a 3D ultrasound... again we saw bits and pieces of baby girl... again she hid her face! UGH! Come on, kiddo!!
- Food cravings? Milk and McD's
- Food aversions? Still averting marinara sauces
- Looking forward to? Honestly? Vacation! Only a few mores until I will be poolside at the beach!
- Milestones? I am not sure we have any major milestones to report this week. The nursery is pretty well set up, so that's a milestone. Now if only I could find a bookshelf!!
- Pregnancy thoughts this week: Pregnancy thoughts are racing this week. Last week at my doctor's appointment, my blood pressure was a little high. I know, I know... I jinxed myself talking about how low it has been throughout my pregnancy! But nonetheless, it was high and was placed on "take it easy" bed rest for the weekend. So I spent my weekend either A- by the pool or B - in the bed. Hoping today would bring some better results, I went in to get checked again and damned if it still isn't high! Luckily, my blood work and urine tests have all come back fine, so this is not pre-eclampsia or toxemia! Hallelujah! But starting tomorrow, I will be back on bed rest...with my doctor's permission to work from home, if I am allowed to. I have gotten a prescription for some bp medicine and the doctor seems to think this will do the trick. He keeps calling this an "isolated case of raised blood pressure in pregnancy." For a little while this morning I thought that this was all my fault - like I was already a bad mother or something. Realistically, I know that is far from the truth. We knew going into this high blood pressure runs in my family and it may be something we have to face. Thank God it's nothing more serious though and that I am not updating ya'll from a hospital bed! Add us to your prayer lists, if you are the praying type. I feel confident this is just a little bump in the road and am optimistic that the prescription is all we need to manage this.
The Day Before the World Stopped
1 day ago
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