- How far along? 30 down... 10 to go!
- Weight gain? 18 pounds... who gains 4 pounds in a week?!?! what's up growth spurt!
- Sleep? If I could maintain a comfortable body temp, then maaaaaybe I would get some better sleep. But thanks to Richmond's "spring" heat wave, it's hard for me to get cold enough to sleep like I like to, thus making it a sweaty battle to sleep. Even with the AC trying its best and the fan rolling, I still can't get quite comfy... maybe it's the itching. (more on that to come)
- Best moments this week? Heather gave us a heart beat monitor, which does not actually detect a heart beat. But it does, however, detect EVERY other sound in my belly you could imagine. So we decided to test it out - never hearing a heartbeat from baby girl. Philip was able to hear her hiccups though! Every time my belly jumped with a hiccup, he could tell it was happening from the monitor.
- Food cravings? Milk and McD's
- Food aversions? Definitely averting marinara sauces
- Looking forward to? Baby classes start tomorrow night. Yes, I know, we were supposed to start Lamaze classes a couple weeks ago, but we are awful parents-t0-be and bailed on it. The hospital that I giving birth at offers free general knowledge classes, so we opted for those instead. Also! Our second attempt at a 3D ultrasound is this coming Monday. (side note: Lainey, turn around so we can see your pretty face this time. Thanks!)
- Milestones? We only have 10 weeks left until our due date! I'd say that's a pretty BIG milestone. It's absolutely cuhrazy to me to think that we already on the downhill slope of this pregnancy... Now if only the third trimester was as nice to me as the second, we'd be all copacetic.
- Pregnancy thoughts this week: Unfortunately, the third trimester is not as friendly as the second one. Remember earlier when I mentioned "maybe it's the itching" ?? Welllllll this is a new pregnancy symptom for me! ITCHING!!! AHHHH!! Some days it is terrible. Apparently, it is because lovely Lainey likes to suck the moisture from everywhere in my body. And thanks to this lovely change in my hormones and skin, laying out by the pool has wreaked a little bit of havoc on my chest. (Let me just say that this newly formed sun-rash type thing is NOT cute!) It doesn't matter how much lotion I put on, somewhere on my body will still itch! I am hoping this itching is a combination of the newly arrived hellacious heat and the changes in my skin from pregnancy. Either way, it's on my list of things to mention at the doctor this week. UGH!
The Day Before the World Stopped
1 day ago
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