- How far along? 11 weeks
- Weight gain? At my appointment it was 3 pounds, but I stand by that it includes Thanksgiving and Christmas!
- Maternity clothes? Not yet… I have done the rubber band trick on a couple pairs of pants, but overall, everything fits still!
- Sleep? I have never wanted sleep as much as I do now! I am averaging 9-10 hours a night and it is a double-edged sword. It’s glorious to get so much sleep, but sometimes I feel like I sleep too much.
- Best moments this week? We had our ultrasound a little early; the baby measured at 10 weeks, but this moment has been the best one so far!
- Food cravings? Sour candy. For a week all I wanted was sour gummies. I finally found one that hit the spot and bought a ton of it… now I don’t want it so much.
- Food Aversions? Garlic and other foods that have strong smells. I guess you could say meat too…I have been a pescaterian for about 7 months, but I am considering adding grilled meats back into my diet to ensure I get enough protein for the baby. When I was just eating for me, I didn’t stress over protein, but it’s too important to overlook right now.
- Looking forward to? Telling everyone! So far only a handful of people know about this adventure.
- Milestones? I am going to consider the ultrasound our milestone this week. I am also always concerned with my blood pressure because all of the women in my family have high blood pressure, and so far, it’s staying right where it should be!
- First thing you thought when you found out you were pregnant? “Well that was fast!” I had only been off my birth control for 2 months before God blessed us with this adventure.
- What’s your baby’s womb nickname? Acorn – squirrels are my sorority mascot and I have been “Nanna Squirrel” to the younger sisters for a while now and since Nanna Squirrel is becoming a Momma Squirrel, it just happened that I started calling the baby Baby Acorn.
- Craziest thing that has made you cry? Discussing maternity leave with my mom. I blame it on being tired, but who knows.
- Weird pregnancy symptoms so far? So far I don’t think anything has been “weird.” Philip may have something different to say though.
- Decorating the nursery? The room that is going to be the nursery is still full of junk from when it was my art studio so that would be a no. Although, I did order some amazingly cute alphabet cards to hang on the wall.
- Dads response so far? When we left the ultrasound Philip looked at me and said “Well… this shit just got real.” When retelling the story, one may think, “really? That’s what he said??” And the answer is… yes… that’s what he said. Until that moment he knew it was happening, but when he saw acorn with little arm nubs and heard baby’s heartbeat, it all got real.
The Day Before the World Stopped
16 hours ago
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