- How far along? 12 weeks
- Weight gain? I have actually now lost a few pounds. I had stomach bug last weekend and haven't regained a full appetite yet.
- Maternity clothes? Not yet…I ordered some great deals from Old Navy this weekend though.
- Sleep? Still sleeping a ridiculously amount each night! I am starting to wake up more on my own in the mornings and feeling more refreshed than I have lately.
- Best moments this week? We cleared the nursery! What used to be my art studio is now an empty room just waiting for Acorn's stuff to start filling it up.
- Food cravings? Nothing really...
- Food Aversions?Still avoiding really smelly stuff like garlic.
- Looking forward to? The big announcement!
- Milestones? Making it to 12 weeks is a big deal to us. I know risk really reduces in the second trimester, and we are almost there!
- Pregnancy thoughts this week: It has been awesome to see how excited people are for us. We are incredibly excited... and I can't wait until I can feel acorn wiggle around in me!!
The Day Before the World Stopped
16 hours ago
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