Monday, December 3, 2012

{not so perfect photo}

Ok... anyone who knows me, personally, knows how much I love life behind the camera. Ever since I can remember, I have had a camera in my hand. When I was in high school, the dark room was my happy place. In college, school got in the way of any big time photography happenings. And since graduating, I must admit, I have some other priorities and big things happening.


A couple of months ago, I was toying with the idea of becoming a Rendi consultant and doing home shows for a company that does some fabulous work with your own photos.

Then it hit me - like a ton of bricks.

If I thought I had enough to add something like Rendi in my crazy life, then why don't I have time to devote to getting myself back behind the camera.

And so...

{not so perfect photo} has been born.

While I have always had a camera in my hand, I have not always had the power of Photoshop; so I am pretty stoked to work on some skills along this adventure.

My first client

More to come from this journey through a soybean field...


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