Landon was due to make his arrival on September 1, 2012.
However, that date came and went.
On September 7, 2012, I was told by my Doctor that if Landon did not arrive on his own, we would need to schedule an induction for September 16, 2012. WHAT?!? Are you kidding me? 15 days past due?
Ugh! So the wait continued…
On September 16th I was supposed to call the Labor and Delivery Department of the hospital at 8:00 am to schedule my induction. Landon decided he was not going to wait until 8:00 am. At 5:00 am I began to have contractions.
I had been having Braxton Hicks contractions earlier in the pregnancy but these contractions were VERY different, very constant, and very uncomfortable to say the least. I knew it was time! Gilbert and I headed to the hospital - Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center, Ft. Hood Texas. It was pouring rain outside. Not a common occurrence in Central Texas.
Upon arrival, I was admitted and all the routine tests and monitoring began. I was indeed in active labor. There was just one problem…
The hospital had no rooms available for me.
WHAT?!? Are you kidding me - again?
I was already 15 days past due, now in active labor and now I am being told that there is no room for me?!
The hospital staff had no choice but to scramble, make a few phone calls and figure out where they could send me. After a few minutes, a nurse returned to tell me that I was going to be transported an hour away to St. David’s Hospital in Austin Texas via ambulance.
Gilbert was to follow us in his car.
Back out into the pouring rain we went. With the rain, came the numerous accidents on the highway and the insanely backed up traffic. My one hour ambulance ride turned into two hours. The longest and most uncomfortable two hour trip EVER.
By now, my contractions were about two minutes apart. The whole time I could see Gilbert out of the rear window of the ambulance. I just kept praying that Landon would not arrive in the back of an ambulance with Gilbert following in the car.
We finally arrive at the hospital and despite my extreme discomfort, I was incredibly impressed with the “luxury style” birthing suite I was taken to. Within minutes, a Doctor was in the room and we were discussing my options. Earlier in my pregnancy I fractured my pelvis (another long story in and of itself). That being said, there had always been questions and concerns about the whole delivery. After the Doctor’s examination, it was determined that I was already eight centimeters dilated and fully effaced. However, Landon was in a terrible position. The Doctor said that he had very broad shoulders and that there was a strong possibility that he could break his clavicle and our worsen my pelvic fracture if I were to proceed with vaginal delivery so we decided on a caesarian section.
From there, things progressed quickly and within an hour Landon Kyle Paiz was born.

September 16, 2012 at 2:18pm. 8 pounds 11 ounces, 21 inches long. Perfectly happy, healthy, and beautiful.
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