Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The {perfect} blend

Dear Boots,
It's been a while since I have had the time to sit down and actually write you a note. Sure, I post here on the regular about us, but seldom do I write to you.

You, my love, are definitely a halfsy. You are an incredible and unique blend of your father and I... so much so that at one glance, I see your father; at another glance, I see myself. 

You giggle at even slightest bit of something funny but maintain a laid back attitude. 

You love shoes, handbags in your elbow and pretty bracelets.  But you aren't afraid to climb that monster truck.

As of today, you are bald like your Daddy.  You have the same nose as me. (You can thank your great-grandma for that one.) You are stubborn like the both of us.

This tit for tat could keep going...but you get the point.

I can not begin to tell you how much happiness you bring into my life - just like your dad does. My life would not be compete without the two of you, that I am sure.

As you get older, you may lose sight of which parent gave you which traits in your life.  Some things will remain glaringly one or the other. Like how I will never escape the fact that I look just like your NeeNee. But I like to think that as a child, God hand-selected your personality traits. And he makes sure that you get the best pieces of both parents and that is what helps you become the best person you can be. You mold into your own person and you begin to develop traits that someday will be passed down to your own children.

So... regardless of where life takes you, always remember, that you carry pieces of your father and I with you...always.

Love you forever, 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I had a post idea in my mind for this week, I swear...
But this is too cute not to share.


Friday, October 5, 2012

Landon's Birth Story

Just a few days after my sister in law gave birth to my handsome nephew, I asked her to take some time to write down his birth story. Knowing she was not usually the "sentimental type," I wanted to make sure she took time to write it all down while it was fresh in her mind. Landon had quite the adventure and I am pleased to have her share her story here at {the nuthouse}. 

Landon was due to make his arrival on September 1, 2012. 
However, that date came and went.

On September 7, 2012, I was told by my Doctor that if Landon did not arrive on his own, we would need to schedule an induction for September 16, 2012. WHAT?!? Are you kidding me? 15 days past due?

Ugh! So the wait continued…

On September 16th I was supposed to call the Labor and Delivery Department of the hospital at 8:00 am to schedule my induction. Landon decided he was not going to wait until 8:00 am. At 5:00 am I began to have contractions.

I had been having Braxton Hicks contractions earlier in the pregnancy but these contractions were VERY different, very constant, and very uncomfortable to say the least. I knew it was time! Gilbert and I headed to the hospital - Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center, Ft. Hood Texas. It was pouring rain outside. Not a common occurrence in Central Texas.

Upon arrival, I was admitted and all the routine tests and monitoring began. I was indeed in active labor. There was just one problem…

The hospital had no rooms available for me.

WHAT?!? Are you kidding me - again?

I was already 15 days past due, now in active labor and now I am being told that there is no room for me?!

The hospital staff had no choice but to scramble, make a few phone calls and figure out where they could send me. After a few minutes, a nurse returned to tell me that I was going to be transported an hour away to St. David’s Hospital in Austin Texas via ambulance.

Gilbert was to follow us in his car.

Back out into the pouring rain we went. With the rain, came the numerous accidents on the highway and the insanely backed up traffic. My one hour ambulance ride turned into two hours. The longest and most uncomfortable two hour trip EVER.

By now, my contractions were about two minutes apart. The whole time I could see Gilbert out of the rear window of the ambulance. I just kept praying that Landon would not arrive in the back of an ambulance with Gilbert following in the car.

We finally arrive at the hospital and despite my extreme discomfort, I was incredibly impressed with the “luxury style” birthing suite I was taken to. Within minutes, a Doctor was in the room and we were discussing my options. Earlier in my pregnancy I fractured my pelvis (another long story in and of itself). That being said, there had always been questions and concerns about the whole delivery. After the Doctor’s examination, it was determined that I was already eight centimeters dilated and fully effaced. However, Landon was in a terrible position. The Doctor said that he had very broad shoulders and that there was a strong possibility that he could break his clavicle and our worsen my pelvic fracture if I were to proceed with vaginal delivery so we decided on a caesarian section.

From there, things progressed quickly and within an hour Landon Kyle Paiz was born.

September 16, 2012 at 2:18pm. 8 pounds 11 ounces, 21 inches long. Perfectly happy, healthy, and beautiful. 


Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Holy hell, is it really October already?! Sweet Jesus, where is the year going?!  

Well... errr... I guess I better a move on the upcoming holiday season!

A peak into {the nuthouse} calendar for this month...
One high school reunion
A trip to Carter Mountain to pick apples
One destination wedding to the Outer Banks
One weekend wedding adventure in Va Beach
A pumpkin patch?
One mother in law (aka the babysitter) on a cruise for a week
Plus a trip to Texas for Nana and Grandpap to meet baby Landon!
Those last 2 yield the toddler juggle and crazy, busy mornings.  Because I am spoiled and my mother in law picks up Lainey every morning but while she is gone, I will be {literally} running crazy to get Lainey where she needs to be every morning!

I keep telling myself, "We just have to get through this month and things will calm down." But will they really? I mean... after October comes November with a family photo session and Thanksgiving then comes DECEMBER! December... oh, you know... that month with Christmas in it! December brings our annual trip to Swift Creek Mill Playhouse to see Drifty!  And this year, we are adding Santa brunch to the mix at Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens too! 

Add in everyday life such as groceries, cleaning, laundry, Sesame Street, toys, dogs, husband, dishes... all with a toddler attached to my hip! {hello, separation anxiety at its finest}

I am already tried... bring on the coffee, por favor!

Who decided it was a good idea to fill the end of every year with a million things any way?! I think it happens every year, doesn't it?


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