Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What do you mean, "No" ??

Lainey is learning lots of things lately.... 

One thing she has not learned how to do yet is WALK! That's right - she may even crawl to kindergarten as far as I am concerned.

But instead of harping on what she isn't doing, let's chat about what she IS doing...

- Figuring out sign language (I am totally planning on doing a whole write-up on this experience)
- Matching animals to sounds
- Pulling toys out of her baskets and methodically putting them back into the basket
- Identifying people in pictures and saying their name
- Manners! Who would have thought a toddler would be able to say "TanToo" before walking!?
- Getting food in her mouth with a spoon on her own...sometimes.
- Picking out clothes
- Saying "no" alot ALOT and using it correctly

The day has come...
The dreaded day when you realize your child has an opinion all of their own.

Prime Example, and if you are my facebook friend, you may already know this story...

Just the other day, I went to Lainey's room - picked out some clothes - brought them to her and proceeded to get her dressed.  All the while she is saying "Oh no no no no no."  I thought it was getting in dressed in general that she had a problem with, so I continued to say "Well, honey, you can't go topless!" 10 minutes later, she is still tugging at her shirt trying to get out of it saying "no no no no." 
So I took her to room and said, "Ok, fine. Here's some shirts. Pick one."

And she did. Then she smiled. And our day continued.

What do you get when you let your toddler pick out her own clothes?

DVF + cut off jean shorts, of course!

These opinions are creeping into feeding time too.  It's certainly helpful to know what doesn't want to eat, but really? What do you do when she doesn't want to eat anything you give her? Where do you draw the line?? I usually just keep going across whatever line may be there and offer something else... poor parenting? Maybe. Full tummy? Most of the time.

Anyone have tips on how to get a toddler to eat more all whilst teething? I think we are approaching our next round of teeth so maybe that has something to do with this change in hunger.

So, there's lots of growing going on.... lots of developing.... just not lots of walking! 


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