Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sleeping with a toddler

Thank you teething and vacation for wrecking Lainey's sleeping schedule.  A schedule that I can only get partially back on track since this forth tooth is, apparently, a doozy! 

{Lord help me when we get to molars!} 

So, I let her climb into my bed and snuggle up next to me...and sleep - all night.

Yes, you read that right - we have ventured to the dark side.

I have said that I didn't want Lainey to sleep in our bed since she came home.  I have seen first hand kids who are well into elementary school still sleeping with their parents and I didn't want that to happen.  I figured the best to avoid that was to avoid it completely.

Well - as with most parenting "ideas" that has gone out the flippin' window! C'est la vie, I suppose. 

I have gotten a few of the gasps that quietly say, "She is sleeping with ya'll?" As if I have committed the worst parenting ever. And then there's the ever-so-popular, "Yep. Been there - done that - have fun."  

So - here's the plan, Stan. We are going to let this play out. She sleeps better - we sleep better - everyone wins. As much as I miss snuggling my husband, I must admit, I was starting to miss solid hours of sleep more. 

The biggest obstacle so far is getting past that second wind that comes with climbing in the bed with Mommy and Daddy. It takes a solid 30 to 45 minutes to get Lainey to actually lay down and fall asleep.  The headboard is actually a rock-climing wall and the pillows are fun to dive into.  Not to mention, there is an awfully painful love for pulling my hair. So this has been trying to say the least.  But it's getting better and I am sure she will figure out that this giant bed of foam is for sleep...eventually.

My intent is not for her to sleep with us forever. I am thinking that when she is old enough to communicate with us and can understand when we set boundaries then we will work on "the big move."  And knowing me, I will use a little bribery of new {big girl} bedding to help us a long the journey... the long, long, journey across the hall!

Here's what our nights look like for now...

Looks oh, so comfy...right?!



Blair Mott said...

Oh I'm actually jealous! We have only gotten Hadley sleep with us a handful of times since she was 6 months old and transitioned to her crib. I would love to do a little of both so I could cuddle her more but she jumps around for so long that we can't get her settled to sleep with us ever. The downside is that if she need comforting during the night we have to do it holding her in her rocker because if you leave the room she wants to play!

theVenemas said...

Last night, it only took 20 minutes so she must be figuring it out. I will admit, the extra snuggles are very nice. I am definitely enjoying this extra time with her... but if she's still in my bed by kindergarten, I may say otherwise! lol

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