Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween, ya'll!

Shew! What a busy day it was yesterday. This whole being a career-driven lady/wife/awesome mom/super hero job is a little exhausting some days. But no, I wouldn't trade for the world.  Yes, there are some days when I wish I could be a stay at home mommy, of course there! And there are DEFINITELY days when I am jealous of my mommy friends who get that opportunity, but this is my life and I love it. 

I get to be a provider, a boo boo kisser, a problem solver, a gift giver, and a bedtime story reader.  And some times, if I am lucky, I even get to be the dinner cooker and a art creator.

Yesterday was a typical day in the life of me.  Packed full of meetings, projects, and a quick lunch date - then 4:30 hit the clock and I hit the ground running. Most days, I don't mind getting caught at the elevator or staying a few minutes late, "just to get this wrapped up."  But today was different! It was a big day - I needed to get home!  It was baby's first Halloween!  I had stuff to do - a baby to dress - candy to get ready - kids to see!!

I got home and Daddy was lucky enough to have a lazy day with baby girl. (so jealous!!)  I quickly went to the closet, grabbed a "fancy pumpkin outfit" and got baby girl all dressed up.  Found out our "fancy pumpkin topper" was still just a bit too big, so I decided to tie the back of it in a knot to tighten it up - besides, no one will see that any way, right?  If it's not in the pictures - it didn't happen! Since Lainey is still too little to go out trick or treating, so this was more for me any way. I wanted to have the satisfaction of knowing she was something for her first Halloween... something other than asleep!

After being forced into a million pictures, Lainey decided the fun time was over, and that it was time to put some jammies on!  Duh - of course we have Halloween jammies! 

Everyone at the Nut House hopes all of ya'll had a great Halloween and that all the kiddos who went Trick-or-Treating got an awesome haul of candy!!


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