Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lights on in the nursery

Thank you Baby J!! We have electricity again! Now we can stop cooking everything on the grill and ordering take out! Momma's wallet couldn't take it much longer!  And probably Lainey's most happy thought of getting the power back on is that we can start hanging out with NeeNee again!  As some of you may know, I work for a local utility company, and so does my momma!  Well in the wake of the hurricane that stole our electricity, we lost our NeeNee to storm restoration and crazy around-the-clock work hours!! 

We still don't have cable, which means no TV or internet, but at least we can watch movies on a screen bigger than the laptop.

But enough about that... today is the day! The day that you have all been waiting for... a peak into Lainey's nursery!! Yes, yes, I know... this post is a little dated since oh, you know, we've been home for almost 2 months now! But whatevs - we do things on our own schedule, obviously!  I thought about using Instagram to make the photos looks super cool, but then I quickly realized, that wouldn't let ya'll see what the room actually looks like!  I do apologize, the photos are a little grainy, because I took them on my phone.  Maybe someday I will take "real" photos and share those... but for now, you take whatcha can get!

Where Lainey dreams

Where Lainey gets all pretty

Where Lainey snuggles and reads with Mommy

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