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23 Weeks
- How far along? 23weeks
- Weight gain? 8 pounds, I think.
- Sleep? Aside from fighting 2 dogs for space and blankets, sleep is good!
- Best moments this week? The nursery painting is finally finished!!! It looks so fresh and cheery in there now! I can't wait to fill that room with furniture and art and love!
- Food cravings? Sour candies are back in full force (along with my regular McD's breakfast!) In fact, there is a tub of sour jelly bellies sitting right next to me.
- Food Aversions? Just my usual picky self
- Looking forward to? The call from PBKids that says, "Mrs. Venema, your furniture is ready to be delivered."
- Milestones? I am not sure there are milestones every week... I guess the nursery being painted is a milestone; that's one less thing on the To Do list. I finally signed up for pregnancy/birthing classes.... yes, I know, I probably should have done this a while ago, but I didn't. And now it's done. Mark it off the to do list too.
- Pregnancy thoughts this week: The midwife said we should start to feel Lainey on a daily basis in the next couple of weeks, so exciting. Although, I am guessing this will just lend itself to more stressful thoughts on those days where I don't actually feel Miss Wiggle Worm.
Yesterday, during my checkup, everything went well! No blood pressure concerns, baby girl's heart rate was nice and strong! While the midwife was listening to Lainey's heartbeat, there was a loud thud on the speaker. I gave the midwife a "what the heck?" look... it was totally Lainey kicking the crud out of me! I didn't feel it, but I sure heard it! haha
23 weeks |
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