Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Daddy's girl already

Baby girl,
Last night when your daddy and I were sitting on the couch, we started to talk about you.  We have scheduled our 3D/4D ultrasound and are anxiously awaiting to see you and what you are beginning to look like in my belly.  While we were talking about the ultrasound, we went started talking about life with you; the things we want for you and some things we can't wait to experience with you.

It's amazing to me to see how much you mean to your daddy already.  He really is wrapped around your tiny finger and he hasn't even met you yet. He sat on that couch with a twinkle in his eye at just the mention of you being in our lives. Your daddy told me, "You know what I can't wait for?  You remember when Dylan was little and we would go to your mom's house and Kaitlyn would just play with him all afternoon?"  And I replied, "Well yeah... I remember that. Dylan loves Kaitlyn to death." "Well the sight of that makes me happy and I can't wait to see Kaitlyn play with her niece."

And he went on to tell me how much he is looking forward to holidays and cookouts at your Nee Nee's house... and all the memories he wants to make with you.

Your daddy loves you with all of his heart, little one.  He loves to feel you kick and he loves to see how my belly is growing and we both think it's funny that we can see where you are starting to lay in there by the way my belly is lopsided! I hope you can hear him when he says he loves you, because he means it.


Monday, April 25, 2011

25 Weeks!

  1. How far along? 25weeks
  2. Weight gain? Holding strong at 10 pounds
  3. Sleep? Between my allergies and having to pee, I am almost giving up on sleep for now.  I am probably getting a few hours of what I would call "good sleep" but the rest is a very light sleep where I can't breathe and can hear every little noise in the room.
  4. Best moments this week? The furniture arrived!!! The crib is officially put together and the dresser is starting to get filled Lainey's clothes. Have no fear, pictures are going to come in another post later.
  5. Food cravings? Everyone has been asking me if I have gotten weird cravings, and I still haven't.  I almost wish I had just so I would have a cool story to tell, but nope. Not this girl... still just pigging out on McD's breakfast.
  6. Food Aversions? Nothing really makes me ill to think about... some things are still tasting a little off, but really... I am just picky.
  7. Looking forward to? Our 3D/4D ultrasound.  The office called to schedule my appointment, but I was busy and didn't even have a calendar out in front of me.  So I need to call back and get that taken care of.
  8. Milestones? Not really sure what our milestone would be in the last week... I guess getting most of the big stuff in the nursery taken care of is a milestone... right?
  9. Pregnancy thoughts this week: We had a pretty hot weekend in Richmond and it just makes me dread the Summer even more.  I realized I need to get some maternity shorts and a few more tshirts/long tank tops to wear for the summer.  I am hoping a lot of my dresses will still fit, but we'll see.

A little extra goody... Chic & Cheap Nursery is giving away a Petunia Pickle Bottom Change it Up Clutch!  Check out the giveaway here!!  My friend Blair was just raving about these bags, and I would love to win one!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

girly bow holder

When we found out we were having a girl, I immediately got excited at the thought of awesome photos and tons of hair bows! I started searching for some neat ideas for hair bow holders to organize everything in the nursery.  Most of what I found was a bunch of ribbons hanging from something, whether it was a ring or a piece of wood.  I was okay with those, but as usual, I wanted to do something different - something I hadn't really seen before.

As a collector of frames (especially vintage, gorgeous, gold ones), I really wanted to find things to do with some of the frames from my studio.  *light bulb*

tada!! Lainey's new hairbow holder!

What you need:

  • An empty frame
  • Foam core
  • Fabric
  • Ribbons
  • Hot glue gun/sticks
  • Painters tape
  • Staple gun

How to do it:
  1. Spray paint your frame to match your room  
  2. Cut the foam core to fit in your frame
  3. Cover the foam core with your fabric (I used fabric from Lainey's bedding to make sure it all matched)
  4. Hot glue the fabric as tightly as you can on the back of the foam (I acted as though I was upholstering a seat cushion)
  5. Align the ribbons and use painters tape to keep them stuck to the fabric (Luckily, my fabric had something to measure by - I counted every 5 polka dots)
  6. Flip the board back over and glue the ribbons down one side at a time
  7. Place the covered foam into your frame
  8. Staple the foam around the edges to make sure it stays in the frame (I stapled every 6 inches or so)
  9. Clip your bows in
I haven't hung this piece yet, but I am planning to use some wide ribbon and staple it to the top of the frame. Tie a bow then hang it from the ribbon.  This way, I don't have to try and screw anything into the old wood and it will also give me some extra space for bows!

Monday, April 18, 2011

24 Weeks

  1. How far along? 24weeks
  2. Weight gain? 10 pounds. (So much for not gaining ANY weight. I am beginning to think my mom may have embellished her story a little. Nonetheless, 10 pounds is not a lot of weight for coming across the half way point.)
  3. Sleep? I realized this morning that I am not going to sleep sleep... like a deep sleep.  I think it's because without fail, every 2 hours, I wake up to pee.
  4. Best moments this week? I am not sure if it qualifies as a "best" moment, but it's my blog and I will classify moments as I want to!  On Saturday, I looked down and I swear my belly had gotten bigger over night.  That doesn't seem odd, but what was funny, was that my belly was lopsided! It leaned toward the left.  I even had Philip stand above me to make sure I wasn't crazy.  Lainey has found a comfortable spot over there and I feel her kicks (or punches) pretty low in my belly these days.  She's standing straight up or standing on her head!!
  5. Food cravings? Sour candies and McDs!
  6. Food Aversions? I really only stay away from things "the list" says to avoid.  There isn't much that makes me sick to think about.
  7. Looking forward to? Wednesday!  Lainey's crib and dresser will be delivered!
  8. Milestones? Feeling some kicks... or punches... pretty much everyday now.  They are really low in my belly, so it's still tough for Philip to feel most of them.  Another milestone, I guess, is my belly button is starting to getting shallower.  This means things are definitely growing in there!!
  9. Pregnancy thoughts this week: I wish Lainey wouldn't sleep on my bladder. It makes a good night's rest pretty tricky lately.  It's more like I am just taking a few naps at night.  The other thought is... I don't think yelling at my belly is the way to get her highness to kick you.  Although, a lot of people seem to think this is a good way to communicate with her. :-)
Sorry, no belly picture this week.  I haven't had time to take one this morning... and besides, I'm wearing an all black top today... you wouldn't see it as well anyway.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Oh, Baby, the Places You'll Go

It's been a while since I posted about a book so I thought I'd share what I have been reading to Lainey lately.  Yes... I am that mom that reads to her belly.  It's actually fun and is a nice way for me to relax before bed.  Some evenings Phil will read with us too, which is a nice little surprise.  Most of our books are downstairs in the den right now, but I have a couple upstairs that I rotate through.

For the last couple of nights, we have been reading a book by one of my favorite children authors, Dr. Seuss!! Oh, Baby, the Places You'll Go is a book that was adapted from Dr. Seuss' classic, The Places You'll Go, to be specifically read while the baby is in utero.  My friend, Claire, suggested the book to me.  She said she used to read to her belly too

It took me a few times to get some of the words right... you know how Dr. Seuss can be with the tongue twisting names and sentences.  But I think that I have finally mastered it. It's a fun little book to read, I just wish it came in a size other than "tiny."

I really am becoming obsessed with how many wonderful children books there are available!  You can never have too many books!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

23 Weeks

  1. How far along? 23weeks
  2. Weight gain? 8 pounds, I think.
  3. Sleep? Aside from fighting 2 dogs for space and blankets, sleep is good!
  4. Best moments this week? The nursery painting is finally finished!!! It looks so fresh and cheery in there now!  I can't wait to fill that room with furniture and art and love!
  5. Food cravings? Sour candies are back in full force (along with my regular McD's breakfast!) In fact, there is a tub of sour jelly bellies sitting right next to me.
  6. Food Aversions? Just my usual picky self
  7. Looking forward to? The call from PBKids that says, "Mrs. Venema, your furniture is ready to be delivered."
  8. Milestones? I am not sure there are milestones every week... I guess the nursery being painted is a milestone; that's one less thing on the To Do list.  I finally signed up for pregnancy/birthing classes.... yes, I know, I probably should have done this a while ago, but I didn't. And now it's done. Mark it off the to do list too.
  9. Pregnancy thoughts this week: The midwife said we should start to feel Lainey on a daily basis in the next couple of weeks, so exciting.  Although, I am guessing this will just lend itself to more stressful thoughts on those days where I don't actually feel Miss Wiggle Worm.  
Yesterday, during my checkup, everything went well! No blood pressure concerns, baby girl's heart rate was nice and strong!  While the midwife was listening to Lainey's heartbeat, there was a loud thud on the speaker.  I gave the midwife a "what the heck?" look... it was totally Lainey kicking the crud out of me!  I didn't feel it, but I sure heard it! haha

23 weeks

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

butterflies and kicks and hiccups - OH MY!

Little lady, you are quite the mover and the shaker these days! My goodness!! 

I had hoped I could hold onto this post until later this week.  It actually wasn't even on the plan for this week, but after last night, I can't keep it as a pocket post.

For the last few of weeks, I have felt baby girl wiggling around.  It sort of felt like nervous butterflies.  Then March Madness started and once the Rams took the court, you went crazy in there! I am sure it's because your dear old mom was going crazy too, but nonetheless, you were dancing with the rest of Richmond.

Then one night, maybe about a week ago, I felt a distinctive kick.  I mentioned it in this week's survey.  It was not a butterfly, but more like a "Hey Mom! Don't go to sleep yet!! Talk to me!" So I did... I made up a story and told you a story before bed.  All of the books were downstairs, and I was not about to go get one when all I wanted to do was go to sleep.

Last night, I said my goodnights to Phil and the dogs and headed up to bed. (I am a go to bed early girl while Phil is a night owl) But for some reason, Phil came upstairs to tell me something and he sat on the bed next to me.  Like usual I said, "Do you wanna see if she will kick for you??"  Reluctantly, he obliged.  He has been convinced Lainey just doesn't like him and that's why she never kicks when he's around.  But guess what!! After just a little bit... SHE KICKED!! And then she kicked again. And each time I would say, "Did you feel it?!" and each time Philip would say "I don't know... maybe??"  But finally... she kicked hard enough for her daddy to feel her! 

Now he says he's waiting for a big kick... one of those kicks where you see it protrude from my belly. Go figure, a little kick wasn't enough. haha

But there was a new feeling of movement this morning... a hiccup! Talk about an awkward feeling!  I kept thinking, "What a weird wiggle you've got going on, Lainey."  But after a couple minutes it stopped.  Then a few minutes later, it started again.  I started doing a little google action and realized what was happening.  HOW COOL!! Although, now that I think of it, I hate the hiccups, so I can imagine they are no bueno for baby girl either.

Monday, April 4, 2011

22 Weeks

  1. How far along? 22 weeks
  2. Weight gain? When I weighed myself this morning we were at 7 pounds.
  3. Sleep? Sleep has been a little harder lately.  I'm having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep.
  4. Best moments this week? Starting the nursery!  It's all painted and ready for some new fancy furniture.  Big thanks to my mother-in-law for painting it!  I tried to keep her company for as long as I could, but I had to leave because of the fumes.
  5. Food cravings? Still nothing, really.  But I will say when I do get a craving, I better hope it's in the kitchen somewhere!  I am still a big fan of McDonald's breakfast though!  I am limiting myself to only once a week!!
  6. Food Aversions? Just my usual picky self
  7. Looking forward to? Furniture arriving.  According to PBKids, the dresser and crib should be here next Monday!!
  8. Milestones? I felt a definitely kick the other night as I was laying in bed trying to go to sleep.  Lainey doesn't wiggle or kick much for anyone else yet.  She wiggles a lot when I am laying down, but even when Katie tries to talk to my belly to get Lainey to move, she doesn't.  She's already been dubbed a brat from Auntie Katie because of this.
  9. Pregnancy thoughts this week: My stomach doesn't feel as tight as it has in the last week or so.  Sometimes it's really tight and others it just feels fatty to me.  But from what I have read, it's all normal... just the uterus working its magic and sometimes it can be the baby moving positions.
The nursery has been airing out over night, so I wasn't able to take any "after" pictures yet, but I will try to do that evening.  Daddy is putting up Lainey's new light in her room today too!  Hopefully a second post will happen this week with some nursery update photos. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Oh, baby girl!

So much to get ready for you, little one! It's amazing to me that I spent an entire year getting ready to marry your daddy and I get half that amount of time to get ready for you!

Our wedding was one day... one day! One day that took me (and my biggie Claire) a year to prepare for and plan!  And now I am supposed to get my life ready for the biggest blessing and the biggest change ever in a matter of months!! Where am I supposed to start?  At least with a wedding, it was common sense... pick a date, get a venue, etc.  You hit the ground running and go!  The finish line being the walk down the aisle.

But With you, I didn't even know you were a girl until a couple weeks ago!  How could I have started planning any earlier than 2 weeks ago?!  But since then, I have definitely been trying to get my "to do list" brain in action.

Name? check!
Furniture? check! Thanks to your Nee Nee!!
Paint nursery? Thanks to your Nana, it's getting done this weekend!

So I have something to call you, and somewhere for you to sleep... I'd say we are well on our way!

Of course, with the wedding, I was totally capable of functioning with little to no sleep.  With you, you suck the energy out of me and this momma has to sleep!!

Oh well... Bizarre Bazaar is tomorrow and I plan on getting you some fun stuff there!! I am not sure if hair bows and frilly crafts were on the official baby prep list, but they are now!
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