- How far along? 18 weeks
- Weight gain? 5 pounds
- Sleep? Getting lots and lots of sleep
- Best moments this week? Having Philip say that even though he knows it's a boy, if he is somehow wrong, he will be excited just to see the baby and know Acorn is healthy.
- Food cravings? Well I had my first Sweet Frog experience over the weekend, and while I don't crave it yet... I have a feeling this will become a preggo staple, especially as it gets warmer out.
- Food Aversions? Just my usual picky self
- Looking forward to? Our ultrasound!!! Only ONE MORE WEEK!!
- Milestones? I guess a milestone will be that this bump is really starting to look like a baby belly! It's exciting to know all these muscle pains are "good pains."
- Pregnancy thoughts this week: My biggest pregnancy thoughts this week are all about next week's ultrasound. I just want to see the baby that is causing my lovely heartburn and my round ligament pains and know that he or she is healthy... and of, course knowing if Acorn is a girl or a boy is just going to be wonderful! This whole time I have been saying that I have no gut feelings, but I have noticed that I tend to only pick out girl stuff... maybe that's my subconscious sending me a sign?? We'll have to wait and see!
The Day Before the World Stopped
1 day ago
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