- How far along? 21weeks
- Weight gain? Back to our steady 5 pounds... the belly gets bigger, but the rest of me is getting smaller.
- Sleep? Sleep is my friend.
- Best moments this week? VCU making it to the FINAL FOUR!!! So, again this is not a pregnancy moment this week, but whatevs. It's a BIG DEAL!!!
- Food cravings? Nope. That's probably why I am not gaining weight. I am still just eating normal food at a normal rate.
- Food Aversions? Just my usual picky self
- Looking forward to? Emptying the nursery... again. Apparently, we are not good at keeping a room empty. Although, in my defense, all the stuff in there is baby stuff! I just need to get in there and start organizing stuff, especially in her closet!
- Milestones? We ordered nursery furniture! It should be here in about 6 weeks. As pieces start to arrive, I will let you know. Next thing to do is paint the room before all the furniture gets here.
- Pregnancy thoughts this week: I am probably going to sound awful, but it's my blog, so it's ok. I am not Buddha... please don't keep rubbing my belly. I understand you are incredibly excited, and I will admit that I was a belly rubber when my friends were pregnant. And for some of you (ok, really most of you reading), it's okay that you rub my belly... but sometimes I just wish people wouldn't make such a huge deal over this pregnancy. Don't get me wrong, I am glad and thankful that so many people are happy for us, but sometimes I just want to enjoy it myself and in my own way. I can't keep this huge smile on my face 24/7. This pregnancy is making my personality a little different than normal... perhaps it's hormones. But I usually don't mind being the center of attention, but for some reason, this time, I really want this special event to be the most exciting thing Philip and I have done yet. God is blessing us with a healthy pregnancy thus far and I really want us to enjoy the ride. So really, what I am trying to say is... don't be offended if I am not as chipper as usual - I am probably tired, usually hungry, and more than likely wishing you would get your hand off my belly.
The Day Before the World Stopped
15 hours ago