- How far along? 15 weeks
- Weight gain? Still only a few pounds
- Maternity clothes? My favorite jeans still fit and were actually loose over the weekend, but my work trousers are using the rubber band trick... still no maternity clothes though!
- Sleep? Getting plenty of it!
- Best moments this week? Yesterday, Philip was bringing home the fourwheeler and when he took it off the trailer, he took it for a spin...which is his normal routine. But this time it was different! When he took off out the driveway, I could fill little baby flutters in my tummy! While I don't know for sure when I am supposed to feel the baby move, I am sure Acorn got excited when Daddy was having fun!!
- Food cravings? Slurpees
- Food Aversions? None really.
- Looking forward to? My doctor's appointment tomorrow and continuing to feel better in the second trimester.
- Milestones? I have started buying little things for the nursery over the weekend... I have pretty much decided I am not a big fan of "baby" stuff so I am going to try to and find a good balance between regular decor and baby decor for this new nursery.
- Pregnancy thoughts this week: One more month until we know if this little Acorn is a boy or a girl! One of the things I have been thinking about a lot this week is weight... which is silly, I know, but I can't help it. I have always been concerned with my weight and have constantly battled it... but I know this is not the time to worry with it at all - so I'm not! But oddly enough, I have been asked a hand full of times if I have lost a ton of weight since getting pregnant. The answer is no, but I also haven't gained much either. I think my weight is just shifting to where the baby needs it, and I like that!
The Day Before the World Stopped
1 day ago
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