But, not even kidding. I am never on time. Ever.
I am either really early or I am late... borderline really late.
You may be asking yourself, "Why is that? Kind of odd to be one extreme or the other isn't it?"
Here is my answer...
Why, yes, yes it is a little off to be on both of these extremes. But in our household, we run on Lainey Time. So, you see, depending on how things are running in our house, that is what determines which end of the "on time spectrum" we are on.
Example #1: Saturday Morning
Lainey woke up (on her own time, of course) and had breakfast and then asked to get ready for dance class. Well, I don't know about you, but I hate chasing a toddler to put tights on her so, I said "Certainly! Let's do this!!"
Well that made getting dressed drama free. But that also meant, she was ready to leave about 35 minutes before we needed to be walking about the door. But when I told her it wasn't quite time to go yet, she was not a happy camper. And, honestly, I would rather be early than hear a meltdown. So on to the studio we went. Not a big deal, there's classes all morning and Lainey enjoyed watching the big girls dance. But, nevertheless, we were 40 minutes early for our 10am dance class.
Example #2: This Morning
Lainey has been battling the plague 2.0 since late yesterday morning (because it's 2 days before a holiday and every toddler should be sick for the holidays, duh) so she slept snuggled up with me last night. This morning, when she heard me getting ready she started cry "I neeeed my mommyyyy." So, of course I stopped what I was doing to sit with her. I told her I had to go to work and she got really cranky. So I sat some more - watching the minutes on the clock as I tried to break down the last possible minute I could leave and still be "on time."
Well, that time came and went. And a few minutes later, I told her "Ok, girl. Here's the plan. When Dad gets up here with your breakfast, I have to go to work. Deal?"
"Deal, Momma."
Seriously?! That easy! All because I gave her the few extra minutes she needed.
Other reasons we run on Lainey Time...
I hate to disrupt a nap. So if we are supposed to be at your house and Lainey is napping when it's time to go... if I know it won't mess up the day, we are going to be late. Sorry/Not Sorry.
Potty breaks. So, we are running out the door, headed to the car and Lainey stops to yell she has to go to potty. You bet your butt we are turning around and going in to go potty. Even if we just went before we walked out the hous. Dammit, we are in underwear most of the time now and do not want an accident in the car! So, yes, I will trade being on time for a potty break.
Her highness picked out her own clothes, let me do her hair and somehow did it all without an argument. This means the meltdown buffer that I added to our routine was not needed so we are now 20 minutes "early." But - as we have already discussed - if I try to tell Lainey it's not really time to go, she just gets antsy. So I would just rather have a jam session in the car and hope our friends don't mind that we are early.
Stay tuned for some Christmas round-up posts coming later this week.... even if they are after Christmas.
Merry Christmas Eve Eve, folks!!