I feel like I can breathe again.
Recruitment is finished, Torie's married now and her wedding was beautiful, and my wonderful nephew had a mustache bash for his first birthday.
Friday, I even had a day off. Sure, it cost me the drop-in rate at school, but goodness gracious did I need the time. Met with the contractor for the new floors; got to go to Target without losing my mind; annnnnnnd wait for it - could just sit down in my own home and just enjoy a cup of coffee in the afternoon with quiet.
Saturday, Lainey started dance and then we had a brunch date with her favorite boys, the Minetrees.
It was a normal day.
A day with a little bit of structure/schedule, but for the most part, it was just fun and relaxing.
It was not filled with 100s of sorority women, time crunches, hours of craft projects, or appointments.
It was just a normal day.
And I loved every minute of it.
Sure, I watched through a two-way mirror at my little lady cry for most of her first dance class. But hey! Who didn't see that coming?! Luckily, her teacher was a trooper and danced around the studio with Lainey on her hip. After class, with tears still on her cheeks, I asked her if she had fun and in between her sniffles, she replied, "Yeah..."
I think she's going to be just fine.