Friday, April 26, 2013


Spelling seems to be the norm at our house these days. Everything gets spelled.  Even things that probably don't need to be spelled out get spelled out too.

Things like...

You know.... the normal things that could create a problem if they are identified!  Especially if they are identified and then missing! {Lord, help us if Rella can't be found!} Or activities that just are not in the plans for the moment.

It's amazing to me how your spelling skills are automatically intensified when you become a parent. It's like a parental super hero power! Things you never thought to think about the spelling of? Oh, those are words you should brush up on because we spell those most often! 

You see, there are times when spelling is a necessity.  

Oh! And curse words.  Learn how to spell those too.  Sometimes a curse word is all you need and {apparently} it's not appropriate for toddlers to scream curse words in public {no matter how funny}. And no, Lainey has not done this yet...

This is a whole new world in parenting at {the nuthouse} because until now, we could say whatever we pleased and didn't have to worry about what was heard. My how thing have changed.

Welcome to the spelling bee, my friends!


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Dinner Debate: Ruby and Max

Auntie M, Gilby and Nandon are finally here.  They completed their trek halfway across the country and made it all in one piece. 

Since their arrival, it has been a little hard to get together - understandably so.  Lainey and I went on Spring Break. They are unpacking, job hunting, and searching for a routine to get into! 

But our two families are making a point to get together once a week -- at least!  Right now, we do dinner every week with Biggie and her fam, and I love being able to hang out with our friends on a week night! And I love the idea of adding another "family dinner night" to the mix! {Welcome to the club, Paiz clan!}

Last night at family dinner, this conversation happened:

M: So, do you guys watch some show about bunnies? Where the older sister is really bossy?
P: Oh, you mean the one with the dumb bunny?!
L: Guys, it's called Ruby and Max
M: YES!! That's it!
P: Whatever - that bunny is still not smart.
G: <laughs from across the table>
M: UGH! That show urks me! Why is she so bossy and trying to hold back her brother?!
P: Really, though.  Why is her bunny scout troop thing ALWAYS doing something? She is forever trying to get some kind of badge!
L: My question is... WHERE ARE THEIR PARENTS?!
M: Well Grandma Bunny comes over alot and brings her creep bunny friends...
L: That still does not answer the question at hand...
G: <still laughing from across the table>
L: Is this really what we are discussing at family dinner?

No, I couldn't make this up if I tried... this is pretty accurate transcript of our conversation. 

Happy Wednesday, Folks!


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Spring Break 2013

And we are back! Back from a cold, yet relaxing, week in the Outer Banks.  Having a little sister in high school pays off at times like this... without her, there would be no official spring break!

Here is a photo montage {cue fabulous 80's montage music} of our last week.

EB left our goodies waiting for us!

Got one day in on the beach before it got super chilly!

Spent some quality time with friends!
Easter photo session sneak peak!
Did lots of shopping!
Took lots of naps!
Flew a kite!
Discovered the fun of sidewalk chalk!
Made a new BFF!
And got in as many snuggles as possible with her KK.
I am pretty sure over the course of one week, Lainey has gone from toddler to big kid. As I sat watching her play in the playroom last night, all I could think about was how much she has grown lately. It is absolutely amazing to me see her independence and imagination growing. Sure, she is entering "Terrible 2s" territory, and it shows, but at the same time, she is developing into her own little person. She knows what she wants, when she wants it and she is trying her hardest to use her words instead of shrieks to get her point across to us.

Oh, and did you see those tiny pony tails and pig tails?! So excited to finally have some hair!!

What did ya'll do for Spring Break?  Any fun and exciting adventures?


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