Monday, December 23, 2013

Why I am Never On Time

"On time" is such a relative term... right? I mean... who is ever really "on time" these days any way? Ok, maybe that's just my friends.

But, not even kidding. I am never on time. Ever.

I am either really early or I am late... borderline really late.

You may be asking yourself, "Why is that?  Kind of odd to be one extreme or the other isn't it?"

Here is my answer...

Why, yes, yes it is a little off to be on both of these extremes.  But in our household, we run on Lainey Time.  So, you see, depending on how things are running in our house, that is what determines which end of the "on time spectrum" we are on.
Example #1: Saturday Morning

Lainey woke up (on her own time, of course) and had breakfast and then asked to get ready for dance class.  Well, I don't know about you, but I hate chasing a toddler to put tights on her so, I said "Certainly! Let's do this!!"

Well that made getting dressed drama free. But that also meant, she was ready to leave about 35 minutes before we needed to be walking about the door. But when I told her it wasn't quite time to go yet, she was not a happy camper. And, honestly, I would rather be early than hear a meltdown.  So on to the studio we went.  Not a big deal, there's classes all morning and Lainey enjoyed watching the big girls dance.  But, nevertheless, we were 40 minutes early for our 10am dance class.

Example #2:  This Morning

Lainey has been battling the plague 2.0 since late yesterday morning (because it's 2 days before a holiday and every toddler should be sick for the holidays, duh) so she slept snuggled up with me last night. This morning, when she heard me getting ready she started cry "I neeeed my mommyyyy." So, of course I stopped what I was doing to sit with her.  I told her I had to go to work and she got really cranky. So I sat some more - watching the minutes on the clock as I tried to break down the last possible minute I could leave and still be "on time."

Well, that time came and went. And a few minutes later, I told her "Ok, girl. Here's the plan. When Dad gets up here with your breakfast, I have to go to work. Deal?"

"Deal, Momma."

Seriously?! That easy! All because I gave her the few extra minutes she needed.

Other reasons we run on Lainey Time...

I hate to disrupt a nap. So if we are supposed to be at your house and Lainey is napping when it's time to go... if I know it won't mess up the day, we are going to be late. Sorry/Not Sorry.

Potty breaks. So, we are running out the door, headed to the car and Lainey stops to yell she has to go to potty. You bet your butt we are turning around and going in to go potty.  Even if we just went before we walked out the hous.  Dammit, we are in underwear most of the time now and do not want an accident in the car! So, yes, I will trade being on time for a potty break.

Her highness picked out her own clothes, let me do her hair and somehow did it all without an argument.  This means the meltdown buffer that I added to our routine was not needed so we are now 20 minutes "early."  But - as we have already discussed - if I try to tell Lainey it's not really time to go, she just gets antsy.  So I would just rather have a jam session in the car and hope our friends don't mind that we are early.

Stay tuned for some Christmas round-up posts coming later this week.... even if they are after Christmas. 

Merry Christmas Eve Eve, folks!!


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Surviving Thanksgiving and the plague

My friend, Blair, recently posted this question in her blog:

"How does the rest of the non-childrearing world celebrate Thanksgiving without sick kids?"

Oh, how I wish I could answer that.  But the truth is... I do not know! I have no idea!!

The cold of all colds struck our house and it is still lingering! It just won't let go!! Lainey got sent home from school last Tuesday with a fever. I am not one to race to the doctor so I said, "Let it ride..." but as the day went on, she did not perk up at all.  Under normal circumstances, I probably would have kept letting it ride, but I was afraid of winning the award for "most considerate dinner guest" and showing up with a flu-ridden child.  So I sent her to the doctor with my mom on Wednesday.  Just to be safe.  I am totally ok with telling a family member, "Sorry, she's cranky. She has a nasty cold."  I couldn't in good faith show up and say, "Happy Thanksgiving! Lainey brought you all a present... it's the flu!!"

Diagnosis: Nasty cold

Prescription: Benadryl and Tylenol (aka let it ride)

Well lucky for us, Lainey is on a medicinal boycott! How fantastic and well-timed!! Doesn't matter what I offered as bribery, she wants absolutely nothing to do with medicine.  And the few times I got medicine in her mouth, she just spit it back out. Lovely!

After 2 days of holiday fun, I put Little Miss on lock down - house arrest - quarantine. Whatever you want to call it, she wasn't going out.  My goal was for her to sleep this plague away.

But this medicinal boycott is new at our house.  Usually, Lainey takes her cough medicine or Benadryl and Tylenol like a champ.  But I kid you not, her antics could have been a commercial - they were that over the top.  I mean, hiding under the bed, screaming, spitting... you name it, she tried it to avoid taking her medicine.

So, what's a mom to do? 

Oh, you know... hold her down and force it, right? Nope - that didn't work either.

This took some real motherly work.

I took to google, of course. 

Here's what I came up with...

Benadryl is what the pediatrician usually tells me to give her to dry up the ick and then Tylenol for the fever, if there is one.

Thanks be to God - Benadryl makes a dissolving chewable magic "candy."  Yes, I told her it was candy. Don't judge me.

I also found a sample in the medicine cabinet of a honey-based all natural cough medicine called Zarbee's.  Got my girl to drink honey.

Never call either of these wonders medicine.  You will ruin the trick.  Just tell your toddler, "Ok. It's time to eat candy and drink honey!!"  Who in their right mind can say "No" to that?! 

Even amidst the screaming, the fevers, the stress, we must still take time to be thankful.

I am thankful for lots of things this year, but I am especially thankful for these ladies.  I'd be lost without the next generation of Clowers girls.  I know we make our Papa proud every day and he would have loved this picture.

Hope all of ya'll enjoyed your Thanksgiving and that you are keeping well!


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Writer's Block

These posts get more sporadic as the year comes to an end and the bustle of the holidays hits full gear! But I must admit, I have hit a writer's block of some kind.  Perhaps it's the redundant schedule our life...maybe it's the busy weekends that keep me away from my computer... who knows.

So, here's a brain dump of our life.

Did I really skip over Halloween in here for ya'll? Ah! I totally did!!  In true Disney princess fashion, Belle went trick or treating.  It was so fun to watch Lainey get into it this year.  Last year, she chased after Dylan and Tyler, but this year, she knew what she was doing.  And lucky for her, she's cute, because she racked in some candy!

Dance is going so well for Lainey.  I am so glad I decided not to withdraw her.  As much as other people tried to tell me that maybe it was best, I know my girl and knew she just needed a little more time to adjust to the class.  After all, we do everything on her time, don't we? Fast forward a few more weeks and Lainey is LOVING dance.  I even catch her practicing when she thinks no one is watching.  Last week it was plies on the parking lot line and the week before that plies and pretty arms in the kitchen.  She has made some great friends in the class and thank goodness, I like the other moms too! So Saturday mornings aren't so bad. They're actually pretty great!

The Fam
All in all, our household is doing pretty well.  I survived the plague of a stomach bug over Veteran's Day and thankfully no one else seems to have caught it. (knock on wood) But I scrubbed down the house and changed the sheets so hopefully those germs have vacated the house!  My dad was in town for a three week prior to Veteran's Day and it was so incredibly wonderful to have him home.  A little sad to know that was the last trip for the year, but Lainey loved having her Pappa around every morning before school and her late night bounce sessions before bed.  It's an amazing relationship those two have formed over the last 6 months or so.  Now, just like last time, she tells me every plan has her Pappa in it. 

Work is hectic.

Not So Perfect Photo
Not So Perfect Photo is doing great! I have had some really awesome sessions lately, and can't wait to share them with ya'll!  If you follow the photo page on facebook, you have already seen one that still hasn't hit the blog yet, but there's still at least one more up my sleeve to share!  If you would like to book a session, just hit me up!! I got some really neat craft paper brown CD books to start using for client CDs and all that's missing is a stamp of my logo. (Add that to the ever growing to-do list)

Holy crap, it's "the holidays" already?!  Ahh! Guess I need to get my butt in gear!

So, there you have it!


Friday, October 25, 2013

2 weeks without a post?!

Just when you think you can breathe, life comes at you again.  I am so terribly sorry, folks, that I have been MIA recently. 

Let's get back into the swing of things with a little post of fall fashions I am loving for the mini-me! 
I would have made a polyvore board, but it wasn't working this morning when I tried.  So, instead, you get a scrolling closet!

Fun Knits


Skinny Jeans



Warm and Cozy Coat

A Bow for Each Outfit

What are some of your closet staples this time of year?



Thursday, October 10, 2013

Photos + Cards

It has gone from sunny and hot to cold and dreary in RVA in no time flat.  I hope the sun comes out and starts giving me some real Fall weather soon!

Can you believe it's already October?

It's time to start thinking about those holiday cards... because let's face it.  Everyone loves to get mail that isn't a bill in their mail box.

What, you haven't thought about your Christmas cards yet?! It's ok... I haven't thought tooo much about ours yet either.  I have scheduled a photo session with the Pyle gals, but that's really it for now.

But in case you are a planner, like myself, here's something you don't want to miss!

There’s just something about sending family photos with your holiday cards that go hand-in-hand! So, all Not So Perfect Photo clients will receive a 15% discount code for their holiday cards from Carly Reed Designs. See a design you love but no photo yet? No problem! Order your cards and receive $15 off your session with Not So Perfect Photo!


Monday, September 23, 2013

Back to normal?

Phew!! Time to take a sigh of relief.... we have survived one of the busiest starts to a month EVER.

I feel like I can breathe again.

Recruitment is finished, Torie's married now and her wedding was beautiful, and my wonderful nephew had a mustache bash for his first birthday.

Friday, I even had a day off.  Sure, it cost me the drop-in rate at school, but goodness gracious did I need the time.  Met with the contractor for the new floors; got to go to Target without losing my mind; annnnnnnd wait for it - could just sit down in my own home and just enjoy a cup of coffee in the afternoon with quiet.

Saturday, Lainey started dance and then we had a brunch date with her favorite boys, the Minetrees.

It was a normal day.  

A day with a little bit of structure/schedule, but for the most part, it was just fun and relaxing.

It was not filled with 100s of sorority women, time crunches, hours of craft projects, or appointments.

It was just a normal day.

And I loved every minute of it.

Sure, I watched through a two-way mirror at my little lady cry for most of her first dance class. But hey! Who didn't see that coming?!  Luckily, her teacher was a trooper and danced around the studio with Lainey on her hip.  After class, with tears still on her cheeks, I asked her if she had fun and in between her sniffles, she replied, "Yeah..."

I think she's going to be just fine.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The tantrum of all tantrums

My child's favorite place on Earth right now is Target. Yes, Target. No, her favorite place is not the fabulous and new playroom that I have been working so hard on... it's Target. 

She will literally ask me, "We go to Tarrrrget?" And smile as innocently as she can.

One would think this would make errands a little easier because she wants to go with me, right? 


It makes it easier to get her there, but it never fails... here is how the trip goes:

Me: OK, now you have to be a good girl and listen while we are at Target.
L: Yes, momma!
Me: OK... I am serious. You gotta listen to me!
L: Ohhhhkaaayyy

*Enter Target*

*Get in the buggy*

L: Cake pop?
Me: After we shop a little bit. Let's get some stuff marked off our list and you can earn a cake up.
L: Cake pop!
Me: After we shop.  When we make it back around to Starbucks, you can get one.

*Minor meltdown #1*

*Meltdown corrected with a different (boring) snack*

...5 minutes in....

L: I get out. I wanna walk.
Me: No, Lainey. Just sit differently. Wanna sit in the way back?
L: No! I wanna walk!!

*Minor meltdown #2*
*Meltdown corrected by letting her walk*

Now, this quick errand has turned into a game of follow the leader. Only, I am not sure who is leading whom at this point.

And thanks to Target with their strategically planned layout -- baby things like food pouches, pull ups and shampoo are all directly across from the toys section.

...As I go to the right to get pull ups...

...Lainey veers to the left...

Me:  Lainey, this way.  We need to get snacks and undies.
L: I need a buggy.
Me:  You have a buggy at home.
L: I need a buggy!! 

*Lainey pulls a toy buggy off the shelf*

Me:  Lainey, put that back! We aren't buying toys today and you have one of these already.

*I put the buggy back on the shelf and start to walk towards pull ups*


Full on tantrum.  I kid you not... the most embarrassing yet.  Complete with shrills so loud they would have hurt your ears.

So, what do you when you toddler is screaming so loud the entire store can hear her?  
You look at her, shake your head, and step right on over her.
That's what I did, any way!

As my toddler ran out from the aisle, I looked at the parent next to me and said "Life is hard when you're so little." and told Lainey, "Boots, people are starting to stare at you."

I then convinced her to look at something else.  She huffed for the rest of the time we were in the store.

Until she got in the car.

Then she said, "You forgot my cake pop."

I chuckled and closed the car door. 

Don't let that face fool you.


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Recruitment Hangover

For most, Labor Day weekend is a long weekend full of cookouts, swimming in the pool, and celebrating the end of yet another wonderful Summer.

For me, Labor Day weekend is full of Greek letters, chants, and laughter with a dash of stress and drama. 

Only a sorority girl would know what all of those things add up to be... formal recruitment, of course! 

After 8 years of recruitment, you would think I would be tired of it.  But really, I enjoy it! I enjoy being active in my chapter and watching it continue to grow. 

I've been the recruitment adviser for Alpha Gamma Delta at VCU for almost 5 years now... and it has taken almost that long to learn all of the rules! HA! 

Greek life at VCU is growing so much every year, it's an exciting and exhausting time. I am looking forward to seeing the amazing things coming to campus.  This year, proved to be one of the best yet and I couldn't be more proud of my sisters and the wonderful new members they have coming into our sisterhood.

Since it's Thursday, figured I would do a little throwback to last few recruitments where Lainey has gotten to come with me to Bid Day! 

So great! Don't wait!! Go Alpha Gam!!

I can tell the recruitment hangover is wearing off, because Lainey has stopped asking me to sing AGD chants, my sisters are posting more things on facebook again, and I am starting to not feel like a zombie!!


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The prayer of a toddler

Dearest Lainey, 
After testing every nerve in my body at dinner last night and almost laughing at the fact that I said you were going to get a spanking if you did not listen, you single-handedly reminded me of all of the goodness that comes with being your mom.

To listen to you as you say your bedtime prayers has got to be one of the most wonderful moments ever. While I ask you nightly if you want to say bedtime prayers, I never force you.  But last night when I asked you, you said "okaaaaayy." 

So I started it off for you...

Mom: "Dear God..."

The rest was all you.

"Dear God, 
Thank you for my Nana.  
Thank you for my Grandpap.  
Thank you for my Steboo.  
Thank you for my Hammy... And Auntie M.  
Thank you for Gilby.  
Thank you for my Jeffrey.  
Thank you for my NeeNee.  
Thank you for my KK and my Noley.  
Thank you for Mommy... for Daddy.  
Thank you for CaCa.  
Thank you for Pap airplane.
Thank you for Torwie and Becky and Dee Dee."

Then I asked, "Is that all you want to thank God for?  He's always listening."

To which you replied, "Thank you for my toy."

I then said, "Well let's ask God to keep Nana healthy and make her strong."

You repeated.

I also said, "And one more thing -- we should ask God to keep Jeffrey safe when he is on his adventure in the ocean."

You asked, "On hims boat?"  

"Yes, on his ship in the middle of the ocean."

And without hesitation you closed with, "Aaaaammmen."

My little girl, your prayers warmed my heart like no other and almost brought tears to my eyes.  It is amazing to me how kind and sweet you can be underneath that terrible two's exterior.

You truly are a blessing.

Love always,

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Things I used to splurge on...

The other day, I caught myself saying, "Well... I'd really like to find some new, awesome, yoga pants or leggings. Since I wear my leggings so much, I need some good, quality ones." 

Do what?! Who is this person who once said that yoga pants or running shorts do not an outfit make!?

Before I became a mom, my spending/splurge list looked kind of like this:

- Designer handbags
- Fancy shoes
- Pedicures every 2 weeks
- Fancy manicures to go with those fancy toes
- Lots of sunglasses
- Heels for each outfit
- Concert tickets
- Nights at the bar

But when you become a mom...
that list tends to change.

No, the spending and splurging doesn't necessarily stop, although it does slow down.  What really changes, though, is what you splurge on.

If I am going to splurge on myself, it's usually on something like this:

- A haircut...yes, you read that right... a hair appointment is a mom-splurge these days!
- A pedicure... oh, but I assure you they are not bi-weekly anymore!
- Ballet flats
- Salon shampoo/conditioner
- Anti aging skin care
- Yoga pants or leggings

Or if we want to look at household splurges, they tend to look like this:

-  Preschool tuition... ok, so it's not a splurge per se but it's a huge chunk of change!
- Tickets to see characters from Disney or Nick Jr *live*
- Dance class tuition
- That toy you couldn't leave behind in Target
 - Redoing spaces in your home to be more toddler-friendly

But you want to know what the cool part is?  
I would have it no other way.

So, what are some things that ya'll splurge on?


Monday, August 5, 2013

Potty Training: Prep

About one week ago, Lainey came up to me and this conversation occurred:
Lainey - I go to potty?
Me - Do you need to go?
Lainey - Yes, momma!
Me - Do you want to go in the potty?
Lainey - YES! 

And so she did.
And the rest is history...

Just kidding!! That was just the beginning!!

After the song and dance of praising a big girl, we headed to Target to officially start the potty training adventure.

Potty Training Shopping List
1. Potty seats for all of the bathrooms - We chose the Prince Lionheart WeePod Basix - They only had gray and blue; so I got gray for the downstairs bathroom, which has gray walls, and blue for the others.

2. 3M hooks to hang them all on next to toilets - Lainey got to pick the one for her bathroom while the other two bathrooms got plain hooks.

3. Pull Ups - I have also purchased some cloth training undies because these are a little big on Lainey. But she seems to grasp the concept of not peeing on Minnie or Cinderella, so I am going to stick with these for a little while.

4. Potty prizes - stickers, little candies, a monster truck and a couple of small puzzles - I haven't made an official jar or anything yet, although I do like this...but I have another idea.

I had one of these Thirty-One room organizers sitting in a closet, and decided to use it for the "potty center."  I am going to clip a laminated potty chart to it and use the pockets to hold some extra pull ups, wipes, and some of the prizes/stickers.

Some of you may know, I am not a huge fan of characters -- I don't particularly like them on clothes, bedding, or anything really. (Yes, I almost cringed at the Hello Kitty hook, but she liked it and it made her even more excited... pick your battles, folks.) So I took it as a personal mission to find a non-cheesy potty chart! It took some scouring on pinterest, but I found one! You can download it, here, if you want to use it in your home.  It's customizable so you can put your child's name on it.

So far, she's doing pretty well! I try to ask her every hour or so and she almost always goes when I take her.  And she's starting to ask to go! At school, I am sure it is trickier for her teachers since they have a dozen children.  But I am overly pleased and impressed that they are at least taking her so she can try.  

Tip: Adjust the water pressure in the faucet you think your child will use the most often.  Since Lainey insists on washing her hands by herself, we turned the maximum water pressure down in the sink she usually uses so that it doesn't create a giant mess or anything.

For now, no horror stories of potty training at {the nuthouse} - I probably just jinxed myself, didn't I?


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Looking for planes

For the last two mornings, Lainey has woken up to be greeted by the smiling face of her grandfather, Pap. I can not even begin to tell you how many times my heart has melted watching the two of them as she has opened up to Pap while he's been in town.

This morning was a little different.

My dad left to head back to Menno, South Dakota on a ridiculously early flight out of Richmond. He was watching the sunrise through the clouds, I am sure.

When Lainey woke up, she looked at me and said, "Momma! My Pap downstairs!!" Fighting tears, I told her, "Wellllllll let's chat about that.  He's actually not downstairs.  He is on a plane! How cool is that?!"  She looked at me a little puzzled.... then it clicked. A light bulb went off in that little head of hers and she said...

"Ok! I'm gonna go look for him!!"

She got dressed quicker than ever and didn't even fight me to leave the house.

Then as I carried to the car, she looked up the entire time looking for planes.  Looking for her Pap.

She didn't see a plane this morning, but I have a feeling we will be looking for planes for a very, very long time.

If you follow me on instagram, you have already seen our time with Pap, but I know not everyone is on there, so here's a recap of some of our weekend with him.

Until the next visit.... 

October can't come soon enough!!


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sour Patch Kid

I have been warned about the terrible twos and the tantrums that accompany. And believe me, we have hard our fair share of some gnarly temper tantrums lately.  It has taken me some time, but I am finally at a place where I {kinda} know how to handle Lainey's tantrums.  It's usually more of a let it roll attitude, but I have learned it doesn't help the situation if I try to stop the tantrum.  Trying to stop a tantrum usually turns into more of a headache.  I fuss at her to stop, she screams more, I fuss louder, she scream louder.  So, I just let her go... and after a few minutes, a couple of wall kicks, a thrash or two, she calms down.

What no one tells you, though, is that when your child turns two, they are no longer a toddler.

They are a sour patch kid.

Minutes before a tantrum strikes, I have a sweet and loving child.  Then the sour strikes and she is evil. And then, just as quick as evil strikes, she is back to being a loving child.

So, I kid you not... I think my child may be part sour patch kid.


Thursday, July 18, 2013

a {not so} perfect announcement!

Ha! I know how all of ya'll think... the word announcement automatically makes you think I am pregnant.  If that's what you are looking for in this post, I can assure it is not here.

But if you are looking for lovely design work and someone to photograph your life's moments, then you have come to the right place.

I'd like to introduce you to...

my new {not so} perfect logo!


Carly Reed Designs has knocked it out of the park... as usual! I really can not say enough how much I love working with her on projects!

I guess with a new logo, I should probably do something with it, right?

Good idea!

And so, the {not so} perfect photo facebook page was created!

Feel free to like it, share it, tag it, etc etc. If you're interested in book a session with me, just let me know! I'd love to chat!!


Monday, July 15, 2013

Step right up!

Well, it's only taken a month to get this post together, but step right up! Step right up!!

Welcome to the greatest show you've ever seen!

I love when you can pick a theme that is easy to put together, even though you guests may not realize it.  The party looked great and, in all honesty, it wasn't that hard to pull off.  

Pick a theme.
Pick key colors.
Go to town!

The Birthday Girl!!

Snacks for the show!

 Balloons everywhere!

 Yummy sweets!

 And no circus is complete without...
a clown!!

I wish I had gotten some good pictures of the tinsel banner and party favors.  But at least you will see the banner in an upcoming post. I love a good decoration that can pull double duty as a photo prop! 

Want to have your own circus party?  
 Here's some details on ours:

I so wish I had a picture of the invitations to share with ya'll! If there's one thing I say to spend a little extra on... it's paper! I love good paper.  I love the feeling of handwritten notes and I love the smile you get when you get a piece of real mail in the mailbox. So, I tend to spend a little more than others when it comes to invitations and cards.  I love working with my good friend, Carly, from Carly Reed Designs.  She did an fantastic job with the invites and thank you cards!!
We served really simple food -- hotdogs, popcorn, peanuts, Cracker Jacks, snow cones, and cotton candy.  Most of it I got from Sam's Club.  The popcorn popper is my aunt's and the snow cone machine we borrowed from another aunt. I only served 2 types of drink and then juice hugs for the kids.

An easy tip: use "food boats" from Sam's Club.  They are super cheap and very easy to use. Not to mention, they fit into the circus concession stand theme perfectly! 

Blue solo cups and red striped straws and napkins were the perfect touches to round out the table.

Balloons were the major decorations for the party.  We had them everywhere. I bought big bouquets of them from the local party store.  Our store keeps polka dot balloons stocked, so yours probably does too!  We also had two GIANT red balloons at the gate to the pool.  I got them from a friend, but she bought them at JC Penney - they are part of the Matha Stewart collection.

I say it every time we have an "event" but my biggie is the BEST! She always makes the most spectacular and delicious cakes.  The tiny elephants on top of the cupcakes were from a toy store, so they aren't edible, but they were the perfect size so I couldn't resist. The glittery "2" candle is from my favorite store, Target!

Circus Attire
Lainey's dress was made by my friend, Yolande.  She owns LindyLoo Whimsical Wear and has made several things for Lainey. I absolutely love her dresses and fancy tops for Lainey!!

Petunia the Clown
Yes, I know... a clown?! Really?! Sure it may be a little over the top, but when your best friend's godmother is a professional clown and you're having a circus party.... it's too good to pass up!

I used popcorn boxes from the Target dollar section and filled them with bubbles, punching balloons, a tiny set of crayons from Target's Valentine's Day clearance, and I used paper tickets to fill the bottom.  I also found little snack cups from the same clearance as the crayons and included them.

Where did it all come from?
Alot of stuff for this party, as you read, came from Sam's Club and our local party store.  But I got a lot of the party "extras" from Shop Sweet LuLu.  I always love the stuff they have in stock.  Sometimes I can find similar stuff for a little cheaper, but some things I can only get there. 

Happy Birthday, Lainey!  We love you!!


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