Just about 2 years ago, I got an iPad from Santa. My iPad lived in a gorgeous case from one of my favorite designers, Kate Spade.
It looked like this:
I love my iPad - I use it all the time.
someone else loves my iPad too.
Her name is Lainey.
So now my iPad looks like this:
Yes, it even has that Fisher Price dog on it some times too!
Long gone are the days of that fancy Kate Spade cover.
Now, while it is a little out of control to think of my toddler playing with an iPad, I must admit something. I am impressed with her using it and I am impressed with the amount of free apps available for toddlers and preschoolers in the Apple App Store! I have loaded it full of story books, a piano keyboard, a drawing board, and all of the Fisher Price apps that are available.
There's one app called "Giggle Gang" that Lainey absolutely adores to "play." Every time you touch the screen a little giggle buddy pops up and starts to giggle! Lainey gets so tickled every time she touches the screen and actually giggles with them! There's got to be some educational value in the action causes reactions realm some where in all of this, right?
And if the iPad is reading her a book, then at least it's a book and not a silly game with no value.
I think there is definitely some positives to technology and education in all of this.
And if there isn't,
at least my iPad is drool-proof now.